1980, June 8-14, Oberwolfach, Germany, Boundary eigenvalue problems and special functions
1981, September 14-19, Innsbruck, Austria, Meeting of the Austrian Mathematical Society
1982, Essen, Germany, Conference on vector measures and integral representation of operators, and on functional analysis/Banach space geometry
1982, August 23-28, Wuerzburg, Germany, Equadiff 1982
1983, June 5-11, Oberwolfach, Germany, Special functions and differential equations in the complex domain
1983, August 1-6, Glasgow, Scotland, 2nd International workshop on multiparameter spectral theory
1984, September 17-22, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Meeting of the German Mathematical Society
1985, July 29-August 9, Calgary, Canada, 3rd International workshop on multiparameter spectral theory
1986, June 18-21, Ulm, Germany, Conference on ordinary differential equations
1986, June 30-July 4, Dundee, Scotland, Ninth Dundee conference on differential equations
1986, October 6-12, Bonn, Germany, Conference on multiparameter spectral theory
1988, July 5-8, Dundee, Scotland, Tenth Dundee conference on differential equations
1988, September 12-16, Capri, Italy, Third conference on real analysis and measure theory
1989, April 2-8, Oberwolfach, Germany, Ordinary differential equations in the complex domain and special functions
1989, August 15-25, Calgary, Canada, 4th International workshop on multiparameter spectral theory
1993, May 20-22, Kalamazoo, Michigan, International symposium on ordinary differential equations and applications
1997, June 18-22, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Real Analysis Summer Symposium
1997, July 31-August 5, Waterloo, Canada, Conference on Differential equations and Dynamical Systems
1998, June 23-27, Santa Barbara, California, Real Analysis Summer Symposium
2000, January 10-14, San Diego, California, Symposium on Asymptotics
2000, September 22-23, DeKalb, Illinois, Conference on Ordinary Differential Equations in Honor of Tony Zettl
2002, July 21-August 2, IMA Minneapolis, Minnesota, Special Functions in the Digital Age
2004, January 6-11, Phoenix, Arizona, Joint Mathematics Meeting
2004, October 23, AMS Sectional Meeting at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, « Comparison of eigenvalue problems due to Feller, Krein and Atkinson »
2004, October 24, AMS Sectional Meeting at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, «The coexistence problem for the Heun equation»
2005, April, Workshop on Sampling, Spectral theory and Their Applications at the University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia, three one-hour presentations: «Introduction to the Theory of Hill’s Equation», «The Coexistence Problem for Hill’s Equation», «The Lengths of Stability and Instability Intervals of Hill’s Equation»
2006, April 9, AMS Sectional Meeting at Notre Dames University, South Bend, Indiana, «Instability intervals for the Hill and Ince equations»
2006, June 14, 30th Summer Symposium in Real Analysis at the University of Northern Carolina in Asheville «Eigenvalue problems and Real Analysis »
2008, July 22, International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications (IWOTA)at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, « Eigenvalue problems for the p-Laplacian with coefficients of bounded variation »
2011, April 8, Special Functions in the twenty-first century, Washington D.C. « Infinite divisibility of probability distributions on the nonnegative reals »
Lectures at Universities
1989, University of Triest, Italy, lecture « The equichordal problem»
1991, February 2, San Diego State University, California, lecture «On regularity of wavelets»
1993, April 6, University of Calgary, Canada, lecture «The regularity of wavelets»
1993, June 16, University of Essen, Germany, colloquium talk «Introduction to the theory of wavelets»
1993, June 23, 30 and July 7, University of Essen, Germany, three additional lectures «Introduction to the theory of wavelets»
1993, July 7, University of Ulm, Germany, colloquium talk «Wavelets with compact support»
1993, October 15, University of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, colloquium talk «Asymptotic regularity of compactly supported wavelets»
1994, May 13, University of Wisconsin-Madison, talk in the analysis seminar «The equichordal problem»
1994, July 12, University of Cottbus, Germany, colloquium talk «Indefinite eigenvalue problems»
1994, July 1-31, University of Cottbus, Germany, seven lectures «Introduction to the theory of wavelets»
1995, July 5, University of Essen, Germany, colloquium talk «Indefinite Sturm-Liouville problems»
1995, July 6, University of Essen, Germany, colloquium talk «Estimate of convergence radii for two-parameter Sturm-Liouville equations»
1995, September 1, University of Calgary, Canada, seminar talk «Growth rate of convergence radii for two-parameter Sturm-Liouville equations»
1998, November 12, University of Essen, Germany, seminar talk «Open problems on Sidon sets»
1998, November 19, University of Essen, Germany, seminar talk «Heine-Stieltjes polynomials»
1998, November 25, University of Essen, Germany, colloquium talk, «Dynamical systems and inverse limits»
1998, December 15, University of Stassbourg, France, seminar talk «Heine-Stieltjes polynomials»
1999, April 14, University of Calgary, Canada, colloquium talk «Convexity of the Lyapunov exponent»
1999, April 16, University of Calgary, Canada, seminar talk «Analytic eigencurves»
2000, March 31, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, colloquium talk «On a problem of Richard Askey»
2001, February 22, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, colloquium talk «Some functional equations in statistics»
2002, November 15, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, colloquium talk «The Digital Library of Mathematical Functions Project»
2003, April 25, Northern Illinois University at DeKalb, colloquium talk «Asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues of matrix Sturm-Liouville problems»
2004, April 30, Northern Illinois University at DeKalb, colloquium talk «The coexistence problem for the Heun equation»
2004 August 5, University of Calgary, Canada, seminar talk, «The Lambert function, and a conjecture of Ramanujan»
2005, January 20, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, Applied Mathematics Seminar, «Infinite tridiagonal matrices and their applications»
2010, April 16, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, colloquium talk « Infinite divisibility of probability distributions on the nonnegative reals »
2011, September 30, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, colloquium talk « Characerization of probability distributions by order statistics »