Cancer Studies: Enhanced Activation of ROS-Responsive Prodrugs via Prooxidant ROS Generation

Alexis Peterson, “Cancer Studies: Enhanced Activation of ROS-Responsive Prodrugs via Prooxidant ROS Generation” Mentor: Xiaohua Peng, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #148 Xiaohua Peng’s lab has reported a potent Phenylboronic acid nitrogen mustard containing reactive oxygen species (ROS) activated prodrug, FAN-NM-CH₃……. Read More

Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide in Cancer Cells: Advancing Therapeutic Approaches for Cancer Treatment

John Brzezinski, “Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide in Cancer Cells: Advancing Therapeutic Approaches for Cancer Treatment” Mentor: Xiaohua Peng, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #31 Cancer cells show altered antioxidant defense systems, dysregulated redox signaling, and increased generation of reactive oxygen species…… Read More

Phenylboronic Acid Nitrogen Mustards induce P53 Upregulation Inhibiting Cell Migration and Invasion in Breast Cancers

Julia Jakusz, “Phenylboronic Acid Nitrogen Mustards induce P53 Upregulation Inhibiting Cell Migration and Invasion in Breast Cancers” Mentor: Xiaohua Peng, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #98 Breast cancers are renowned for their heterogeneity and aggressive nature. The limited treatment options and…… Read More