Who Is a Model Based Systems Engineer? A Data Driven Competency Model

Phani Ram Teja Ravipati, “Who Is a Model Based Systems Engineer? A Data Driven Competency Model”
Mentor: Satya Aditya Akundi, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
Poster #155

Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is increasingly becoming a vital approach in the engineering domain, primarily due to its emphasis on creating and using domain models as the primary means of information exchange between engineers rather than relying on traditional document-based information exchange. Developing a competency model for MBSE that reflects current industry needs is crucial for ensuring the engineering workforce can design, implement, and manage the increasingly complex systems of today and the future. A data-driven approach is proposed to define the role of a model-based systems engineer from a market-demand perspective. We collected data from LinkedIn on what MBSEs do, their skills, and their education. We also gathered job descriptions for MBSE roles from various companies. Using natural language processing techniques, we parsed the job descriptions and derived a scientific definition of an MBSE role via a clustering algorithm. The next step of our research will be determining whether individuals who self-identify as MBSEs on LinkedIn meet this market demand. This project’s scope includes the potential application of these findings to help companies efficiently recruit MBSEs that match their job openings, which could reduce human resource costs. The implications of this study are significant for both industry and academia, with the potential to improve the match between job seekers and employers in systems engineering. By better understanding what competencies are needed for an MBSE role, job seekers can tailor their skill development, accordingly, increasing their chances of finding a suitable position.