UAVs in Manufacturing

Aditya Kennedy, “UAVs in Manufacturing”
Mentor: Satya Aditya Akundi, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
Poster #107

The purpose of this research is to develop a drone that can cover three important facets of manufacturing; inventory control, quality control of items, and warehousing safety. Based on research on previously designed attempts at warehousing drones and their data and effectiveness, this research weighs those qualities out and focuses on picking the best quality assets for a drone. For example, lidar scanning technology to map the layout of a warehouse, and RFID sensors to identify items or pallets. So far in our research, we looked at existing drones and sensors, with an emphasis on quantitative analysis for the effectiveness of each. Our next steps are to use the Crazyflie drone from Bitcraze with the most effective sensors from the research to do our qualitative testing and analysis. We believe that looking into the effectiveness of these sensors on drones to take inventory, do quality control, and operate in dangerous warehouse environments is invaluable to industrial processes.