The Implication and Importance of Dramaturgy

Lillian Hayward, “The Implication and Importance of Dramaturgy”
Mentor: Robin Mello, Theatre
Oral Presentation 9:30am Union Cinema

This is a cumulation of research and conclusions on the study of dramaturgy and its implications on a season of plays, conducted by Lillian Hayward in the 2023-2024 school year. Dramaturgy is the research arm of a production. A dramaturge interprets scripts and texts within the scope and context of a theatrical production. The addition of a dramaturge in the creation or production of a theatrical work can affect the piece in innumerable positive ways that can allow for more truth and impactful storytelling. In the past, dramaturgy has connected theatrical artists to important historical, literary, and sociopolitical details that may be overlooked without deep research, and each production chooses if and how dramaturgy will be used. By adding a dramaturge to theatrical productions at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, one may see a direct effect on the quality of performance and truth of the storytelling present. The research will discuss the impact and outcome of discussions with directors and performers, designed to gauge background knowledge with topics and themes present in the texts, literary and historical contexts and content, and program notes for the general public. This research was presently applied to this season’s productions, and the effects were seen and noted by members of the creative teams, the performers, and audience members. As young actors and theatre makers begin their careers, effective and specific storytelling is important for creating successful theatre.