Mother Computer: Thinking in Natural and Artificial Intelligences

Laura Bogyay, Jack Lehtinen, and Elizabeth Lappano, “Mother Computer: Thinking in Natural and Artificial Intelligences”
Mentor: Nathaniel Stern, Art & Design
Poster #135

This presentation is an ensemble of the past year’s work that the team has created and the research we have engaged in through our studio work. All the possible ways in which we can make electronic waste ‘disappear’ or into something beyond itself is an ever-concerning question in today’s world. This year, we continued our research into the question, “what can, or will, come after humanity is no more? How will our rampant consumption and production of electronics and technology survive us, and how will that impact the future of our planet’s ecology?” The role of artificial intelligence and NFT spaces serve as outlets and spaces in which this question seeks an answer, one that combines our human thinking and experience to address ways we can consciously create a world in which technology not only exists next to nature, but incorporates and is influenced by the outside world that we live in.  This project will be a series of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered and nature-inspired artworks and writings that experiment with and exhibit how intelligent systems, both cybernetic and ecological, might sense, think, and create along with us, toward more fruitful futures. Dr. Stern and Sasha Stiles, a renowned AI artist-poet, combine artistic efforts to use in upcoming collaborations in which AI is used to aid in human activities instead of diminishing them. In our research, artificial intelligence, instead of replacing our human touch, is used in conjunction with art and literature to suggest what the future could look like if we side with technology rather than competing with or exploiting it.