Quinn Stephens, “Wondering with Webb”
Mentor: Jean Creighton, Physics
Poster #168
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) launched on December 25, 2021. This magnificent mission has four main goals: to see light from the first stars in the universe, to understand how early galaxies assembled, to explore the birth of stars and planetary systems, and to search other exoplanets for origins of life. UWM Planetarium Director, Dr. Jean Creighton, and designer, Quinn Stephens, have developed two planetarium programs, Exploring Exoplanets and Wondering with Webb, to help visually communicate the amazing discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope. Exploring Exoplanets focuses on the search of other exoplanets for origins of life. Wondering with Webb focuses on how JWST works overall and features the insights we are collecting from this mission. While the data from JWST can be intimidating and hard to understand, it is important to Creighton and Stephens to portray this information in an engaging form for a broader audience. Through collaborative study and rehearsals, Creighton and Stephens are excited to present an informative, inclusive, and entertaining show at the UWM Planetarium that clearly summarizes this research. This mission is designed to last about five years, allowing this show to have updates as new data comes in. With Creighton’s knowledge of astronomy and Stephens’ skills in design, they have created visual solutions to complex topics. Specifically, creating simplified animations that address topics about astronomical objects, space travel, and advanced technology. Therefore, producing a comprehensive show for all. Through this process, it has become evident that this mission not only highlights the monumental discoveries we are uncovering within the universe, but is also an example of how curiosity can lead to beautiful things, how important our Earth is, and how design can unite a wide audience.