Alexis Young and Kayla Lane, “Vape-Free, Healthy Housing Guarantee”
Mentor: Rose Hennessy Garza, Public Health
Poster #48
Secondhand exposure from e-cigarette usage can involuntarily expose individuals to harmful chemicals through the passive inhaling or ingesting of chemical residue. Vaping exposure in the home can contribute to poor air quality and health consequences. This study seeks to use evidence and theory to provide healthier housing for UW-Milwaukee by reducing secondhand vaping exposure. The Vape-Free, Healthy Housing Guarantee program will be developed utilizing the following three steps: (1) Use a modified version of Intervention Mapping to plan out a hypothetical program; (2) Identify literature to define the problem and identify risk factors for modification, and (3) provided an informal review of the literature for evidence-based strategies and behavioral health theories. This program aims to build a vape-free housing community for UW-Milwaukee students that will synthesize findings to include a community engagement plan, a logic model, evidence-based strategies, and the Health Belief Model. A combination of educational services and increased implementation of vaping policies can help to decrease secondhand exposure. A program based on the Health Belief Model and evidence could help to encourage the most successful outcomes for positive behavior change. The involvement of UWM students and staff to create this program is necessary to fill gaps in current programs and generate helpful results and feedback. Future public health programming should consider the lack of enforcement of vape-free complexes related to vaping exposures in common areas. Limiting exposure will improve air quality in public spaces and the health of students.