Mikaela Miller, “Performance on Caregiver Rated Executive Functioning and ADHD Symptoms in Children With Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Compared to Unaffected Controls”
Mentor: Bonita Klein-Tasman, Psychology
Poster #106
Neurofibromatosis type 1(NF1) is a neurogenetic condition characterized by cognitive and behavioral difficulties, particularly in executive and attentional functioning. Past literature indicates there are differences in caregiver ratings of executive functioning of children diagnosed with NF1 compared to unaffected children. Executive functions are a set of cognitive processes that aid in self-regulatory and goal-directed behaviors. In this current study, The Behavior Rating
Inventory of Executive Function-Second Edition (BRIEF-2), a caregiver rating scale was utilized to assess executive functioning. The ADHD Rating Scale-fifth Edition (ADHD-RS-5) is a caregiver assessment utilized to report the frequency of ADHD symptoms based on diagnostic criteria. Independent samples t-tests were conducted to compare differences in caregiver rated executive functioning and ADHD Symptoms among children with NF1 and unaffected children. There was a total of 26 participants between the ages of 7-11 (n = 15 with NF1; n = 11 unaffected). It was hypothesized that children NF1 would be rated as having more difficulties with executive functioning and attention compared to unaffected children. Results indicated poorer executive functioning in children with NF1 compared to unaffected children, on the following BRIEF-2 scales: Shift (t(24) = 2.49, p=.013) Emotional Control (t(24) = 2.66 p=.08), Working Memory (t(24) = 2.17, p=.023), and Plan/Organization (t(24) = 1.90, p=.041), Task-Monitoring (t(24) = 4.0, p<.001) and Initiate (t(24) = 2.73, p=.008 ), Inhibit (t(24) = 4.0 p<.001), Self-Monitor (t(24) = 3.43, p=.002), and the Global Executive Composite (t(24) = 4.63 p<.001). Children with NF1 also were rated as having significantly more hyperactivity (t(23)= -3.53, p=.006), inattention (t(23)= -3.553, p=.005), and total ADHD (t(23)= -4.18, p=.002) symptoms compared to unaffected children. These results indicate that children with NF1 demonstrate increased caregiver rated difficulties in executive functioning and more ADHD symptoms as compared to unaffected children.