Angel Xavier, “Examining Trends in Reported Housing Discrimination: A Review of Individuals with Disabilities Navigating Public and Private Rental Housing Markets”
Mentor: Yaidi Cancel-Martinez, Urban Planning
Poster #19
Amongst fair housing agencies, it is understood that an increasing trend of discrimination complaints has correlated Disability status as the highest-ranked cause of housing violation in the public and private rental housing market. Despite this understanding, there is a significant gap in addressing how individuals with Disabilities navigate the public and private rental housing markets and the impacts of discrimination on this community. Available research published since the deinstitutionalization movement has concluded the development of supportive inclusive services, such as participation in community events, personal assistance flexibility, support, and the coordination of integration into public communities have lacked governmental enforcement and alternative housing options for individuals with Disabilities. A lack of alternative housing and enforced governmental protection in the public and private sectors has left many individuals with Disabilities in housing environments similar to their institutionalized predecessors, leaving individuals with Disabilities segregated from the public and without equitable resources to maintain long-term, affordable, quality housing. Seeking to bridge the gap in research, The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published a comprehensive evaluation and literature review that discussed rental housing access for individuals with Disabilities and the impact of barriers and Discrimination felt by the community. This research publication provides a foundation for understanding Disability status and its correlation to increasing trends in housing discrimination. HUD’S comprehensive evaluation additionally provides a precedent for the value of testing among fair housing agencies, seeking to affirm, validate, and collaborate complaints of discrimination on the basis of Disability status. This report seeks to understand the trends in housing discrimination against individuals with Disabilities in the public and private rental housing market and the barriers that impact fair housing long-term accessibility.