
Friday, September 14, 2018; Time:12:00 – 1:00 PM
MCW Health Research Center – HRC Room 1210/1230
Presenters: Jake Luo, Noelle Chesley, W Hobart Davies

The TecHealth team is going to present research studies at the Seminar Series of the Center for Advance Population Science at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Fall 2018. Team members will introduce the TecHealth Initiative and their research work to the MCW researchers. The main research topic in the seminar is about leveraging big social media data to understand health consumers’ information and service needs for clinical lab tests.

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June 2018
By Sarah Vickery, College of Letters and Science

When people don’t understand their medical test results, “The very first place they go is Google,” said UWM Sociology professor Noelle Chesley. Armed with that information, Chesley and her collaborators, Psychology professor Hobart Davies and Professor Jake Luo from the College of Health Sciences, saw a golden opportunity. Luo, who specializes in health informatics and big data analysis, began trawling through all of the health questions that people posted on Yahoo! Answers and, with help from Chesley and Davies, began to analyze them. They found many people didn’t understand their test results or were lacking emotional support after a difficult diagnosis. Using that data, Luo’s in the process of building a cellphone app to help analyze medical test results in a patient-friendly way.

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June 21, 2018
Laura Otto, Angela McManaman, and Kathy Quirk

UWM is poised to make a bigger commitment to big data with the establishment of the Northwestern Mutual Data Science Institute. Northwestern Mutual and its foundation will contribute $12.5 million, while UWM and Marquette University will each contribute in-kind and fundraising of $11.25 million over the next five years. The investment will support endowed professors, data science faculty positions, research projects and expanded student programming, which will begin this fall.
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April 20th, 2018
12:00 PM – 2:30 PM
UWM Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex 1150

The TecHealth Initiative at UWM hosted a “discovery” event exploring research intersections between social science and big data.
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Suan Bence
April 13, 2018

It’s hard to get away from discussions about lead in Milwaukee these days. Meet two people who understand the issues but have lingering concerns.
Noelle Chesley, Anne Dressel, John Berges, and Helen Meier
Mar 2nd, 2018

Issue is not simple. Ald. Bohl’s proposal is a good starting point.
December 18, 2017

UWM faculty have teamed up to create TecHealth, an initiative that aims to harness and develop regional, inter-institutional and transdisciplinary research strength to solve problems at the intersection of health and technology. TecHealth is designed to be a hub for collaboration that can bring together both experts and resources to foster innovative, research-based solutions to today’s health challenges.
October 20, 2017
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Zilber School of Public Health, Milwaukee

The October 2017 event was designed to foster inter-institutional and transdisciplinary connections among health researchers and community members in the Milwaukee area. At this inaugural meeting, we worked together to discuss and develop a collaboration model to guide our interactions and future direction.