Artist Statement
Being born Hmong, I have found that I have been lacking in speaking my own language and not fluently, but this issue has been for others as well. Not only in America, but in Eastern countries Hmong children are slowly losing their Hmong language. This is in part due to the necessity of the language in today’s world where each country has its own primary language where the other languages are not necessary to learn to survive.
My Experience seeks to immerse the viewer in the Hmong culture and language.
Through this focus, I can teach the viewer the Hmong language and preserve the culture. This not only immerses the viewer into the language but may also introduce learning the language as well. By speaking both languages in My Experience, primarily English, I hope to have the viewer be entertained by something they can understand, however also be introduced to the idea of in-direct learning a language. The idea of people, not just Hmong people, speaking Hmong just because they know a few words will make this project successful or at the very least the start of something.