Artist Statement
My work consists as a series of two zines each containing a 50-word story creating a call to action regarding the social issue of human trafficking. The stories share two differing perspective of a human trafficking situation, which I hope enlightens the reader to make a connection to their own observation within their communities. The storytelling is created through a combination of typography and photos to create an engaging reading space. The viewer will experience the first zine from the perspective of a bystander observing a weird situation involving a trafficked victim. The second zine is of the perspective of a victim trapped within the system of human trafficking and finds freedom because of an observant onlooker. My hope if for my audience to become more attuned to people around them and to possibly save a victim of human trafficking from the slavery of our day.
I hope my work accomplished creative resistance to the social issue of human trafficking in all our communities. I chose the format of a small handheld zine to create intimacy for the audience to come to terms that this issue hits close to home and is happening within our communities right in front of us. We may have encountered a victim of human trafficking today in you daily life and not even noticed. I intend this work to create a call to action for my view as they can be a piece of the puzzle in saving victims of Human trafficking, through being aware in their communities and speaking up about suspicious behavior. Victims of sex slavery are hidden in plain sight; my hope if for my audience to become more attuned to people around them and to speak up to possibly save a victim of human trafficking from the slavery of our day.