Syd Everett

BFA, Studio Art (Painting & Drawing)

Artist Statement


My work illustrates the array of bodies that belong to non-binary and gender non-   conforming people. I create close-up paintings of bodies with thick applications of oil paint that mimic the textures and movement of flesh. The paintings are a remnant of interactions I have with my models when I take reference photos for my work. I meet with each person, have a mirror set up, and then give them various prompts in hopes of exploring a range of emotions. I start by requesting they pose in ways they feel most comfortable being photographed. I then ask them to move into positions that they felt physically comfortable. Within the photos, there are differences in body language. It is always interesting to see the variation each individual brings to the experience with such simple prompts. Models move between feelings of dysphoria, scrutiny, embarrassment, eventually finding comfort and confidence.   

I make compositional decisions to crop out the faces of the models, emphasizing the natural topography of their flesh. This is amplified through the small and intimate sizes of the paintings, because the viewer must examine the image at close range. While there is a sense of seeing a very secret moment, the viewer cannot fully “know” who the person is.   

This work is important for me–and other gender-queer artists–because I do not often see myself represented in the world of painting. I want to examine questions of what gender non-conforming bodies are, and offer a means of celebrating them instead of continuing the scrutiny of societal constructs.