Artist Statement
This body of work focuses on utilizing a material created by casting resin into cellophane to create objects of curiosity. These cellophane objects are made in a wide range of iridescent colors and a variety of textures in an effort to spark a sense of wonder, and a need for exploration in the viewer. These are accompanied with a magnifying observational tool that allows the viewer to more fully explore and interact with the material. The cellophane is presented in circular slides that can be placed into this magnifying object, which consists of two glass lenses. The smaller of these two lenses is adjustable so that the viewer can zoom in and out of details on the slides. The magnifying object itself draws from historical telescopes and microscopes to hint at its intended use.
This collection of objects is held inside a wooden cabinet inspired by cabinets of curiosities and museum display cases. A glass panel on the top allows viewers to see a selection of the slides before the cabinet is opened. The cabinet consists of three drawers of slides, a compartment that the magnifying object sits inside, and a recessed area on top for the viewer to set the the object into while using it. The drawers are removable so that the viewer can pull them out and set them on top of the cabinet for ease of use.
On the top of the cabinet, a raised platform houses an empty brooch. The brooch is able to house any of the slides, allowing the viewer to not only view these specimens, but also have a more intimate experience with them by being able to wear them on the body. The viewer is not only encouraged to interact with and study the objects, but also to further engage with the collection by allowing these slides to become objects of adornment.