Shannon Whiting

BFA Studio Art
(Digital Studio Practice)

Artist Talk

Artist Statement

The Place We Call Home

This body of work examines the idea of place and memory, showing different experiences and perspectives coming together to create something vibrant. Hallucinations of the past and present collide in fractured spaces, a family album shimmering across time.

In The Place We Call Home, original and found photographs are layered over each other and joined together to create bright and colorful arrangements of a single place. Within one image another emerges, creating a playfulness between memories of the past and dreams towards a future. What belongs to what? The viewer is able to dive deeper moving from one image to the next finding different details within each photograph. Family photographs can be seen within some of the images, but with marks scribbled over them to push them into obscurity. Who are these people? Why are they here?

This is the place I call home, but I am not the first or the last to call it that. These people in the images are the ones who have considered this place home before me. Over time, our memories may overlap, bits and pieces, here and there. By taking these different pieces and joining them together, we can create one full story.