Sarahi Romero Contreras

BA, Art (Studio Arts – Painting & Drawing)

Artist Statement

The Art Behind Memory

The Art Behind Memory are five paintings that involve giving mechanisms to the
audience that enable them to receive emotions from art pieces which in turn help
individuals understand that viewing and appreciating art is important. By
integrating a form of abstract and rawness into my artwork through Acrylic and
Oil paint on canvas, I’m able to use art as an approach to create a safe space for
everyone looking to explore art for themselves.

The subject matter within my artwork revolves around universal celebrations or
captured moments that are shared experiences subtly portrayed through color,
line, weight and distortion. I want my artwork to use surface value and texture to
add the symbolism needed within art to make more people enjoy it. The format
chosen to explore this type of art style is using a base outline of these captured
moments and keeping the details to a minimum while trying to retain the
emotions that are considered “unforgettable” to the audience. The viewer will
experience a range of emotions and psychological benefits that is supposed to
allow them to reminisce within their own memories. This is important for
individuals to understand each other through empathy and reflect on a life

Strategies I’ve employed to express these ideas are within the gestural movement
and colors found within images used for the base layer outlines. I also want to
bring creative care into my artwork because art should be used as an approach to
healthcare allowing those who need an extra tool or outlet to properly explore
their own mental state. I aim for the viewer to take control of what to imagine or
reconstruct their own story onto the painting presented to them.