Sammi Syse

BFA Studio Art
(Digital Studio Practice)

Artist Talk

Artist Statement

Tell Me Something

Everyone has a story to tell. The digital illustrations that comprise Tell Me Something focus on the importance of sharing stories. Speaking to others through digital platforms could be about anything: a friendly reminder, reminiscing on a memory, or even a vent session. Gathered through online forums, this body of work shares anonymous stories paired with corresponding illustrations to capture different moments and events in people’s lives. Each story takes the form of a text message being sent out into the world, with the reply being a visual representation of the thought they offered. Some of the stories are sad, some are happy, while some are just silly to capture the different ways we experience life around us. The illustrations have a storybook feel with a vibrant color palette to bring a playful tone to each individual narrative—no matter its content. The anonymous nature of the stories allows the illustrations to take the spotlight in the exchange of conversation. Tell Me Something unifies shared experiences over digital platforms to explore the different stories that shape our lives.