Ruixuan Huang

BFA Studio Art (Painting/Drawing)


Artist Statement


In my work I express the changes of self-awareness, creative growth, and new abilities through my graduation show. I am expressing my anxiety and entanglements in the past, which is different from the peaceful and happy life now, but it is all me.

I use soft warm background colors to contrast symbols that represent things I experienced but couldn’t put into words — flowers, dissected hearts, baby faces and eyeballs. My dolls losing their eyes is like an inevitable tragedy, destined at birth. The gaze of others, from flowers and hair, is a sign of judgment and social opinion. I will always remember some of these challenging experiences, but by changing my life and my mentality, the memory can be a more joyful color than the initial experience.

Painting has been a process of self-healing growth. The formation of these circles is punctuated like a period at the end of a sentence, and this series represents the end of my college career.