Paul Kong

BFA Studio Art
(Jewelry & Metalsmithing)


Artist Statement

Pieces is a series of bags that focuses on the marriage of different materials in aesthetic and functional ways.

Clothing is the perfect format for me to integrate metals, ceramic, leather, and fibers into a harmonious blend while creating visual and physical contrasts. Each material offers different weights, colors, and patterns that can shine individually. The suede is stretchy and extremely durable providing the necessary structure for the outer layers of the bags. The ceramic and metal used in aesthetic and functional parts of the work are a stark contrast to the suede in strength and rigidity. The 100% cotton fibers are braided for durability. In clothing, each medium can be elevated to work as aesthetic and functional elements, despite of limitations of each material.

Through this body of work inspired by traditional Japanese and contemporary American clothing I bring together historical and modern designs, cultures and traditions.