Artist Statement
On average, a person will move about 12 times throughout their lifetime. As we spend time here and there, we gain more experiences and carry with us the memories we made there for the time being. Milwaukee has been my home for the past few years and my time here is soon coming to an end. I was curious to explore what memories have been instilled in me and other Milwaukeelocals who plan on being here temporarily. How have we immersed ourselves in this city? How have the places we go to influence the memories we will carry with us as we move somewhere new? In these conversations, I had the subjects reflect onto themselves. Each person had their own reasoning as to why their place had some sort of significance to them whether it was discovering a new place, a place where they always go to, or a place where an important event occurred. It was interesting to compare my memories with these individuals since I am variously familiar with some of these places. Within the series of portraits that comprise Milwaukee Memories, I photographed the emotion, action, or vibe of the place they chose in their memories. Furthermore, I captured the interior and exterior of these places having the interior overlay with the subject to further push intimacy and the internal aspect of the mind. As viewers encounter each work, they may recognize details or familiar architectures that evoke their own memories connected to specific places around Milwaukee or discover a new place where they can create new memories