Artist Statement
In making this body of work, I went back to my roots of my main visual expression: the golden pattern. The huge dark fabric piece works as a pursuit of understanding life questions around the makeup of smaller details for the larger picture. The background of the dark fabric piece represents the unknown or void. I used gold for its connotation of representing power and divinity, which can be seen historically through artwork within various religions. Gold also represents a color associated with enlightenment. Overall, my pieces explore themes of language, spirituality, identity, nature, and transformation. The use of circular and linear shapes is very important within the work because its inspiration stems from nature, and the simplicity of its shapes. During the process of forming the large fabric piece, the movement of painting onto the fabric in a circle became a discovery, as an introspective and repetitive process. I display my artwork in my home as a living and working space. My photo documentation assists in recreating my home as a makeshift gallery. Scale is another important aspect of this work, encouraging the audience to engage with it in its magnitude. I hope that my work allows the viewer to have an extended moment of personal reflection, ruminating on their interpretations of the compositions and engaging with the work meditative and restful nature.