Artist Statement
“The Thief, The Hero, and The Mystic” is a series of 3D models woven together to create a loose narrative about a group mysterious characters in a fantasy realm. The original inspiration for this piece was concept art, which are images and tests that help influence a development team for video games or movies. These images are often used to explain the mood of the scene or character and convey information as quickly as possible.
“The Thief, The Hero, and The Mystic” came together from the desire to create complex characters and backstories that can reach viewers through single, still images. It soon shifted into the realm of 3D and Virtual Reality (VR). The change in medium, from a still image to 3D animation, brought about new opportunities to show the story from multiple angles. This gave the characters more personality and overall presence in the scene and story. This project draws inspiration from the world of video games, fantasy novels, and movies in order to deliver a new and enticing story.