BA, Art (Studio Arts – Painting & Drawing)
Artist Statement
Through the use of various acrylic mediums, I have worked to embody the variety and variability of human experience found within an AI’s training data. The vibrant colors and textures signify the many perspectives that contribute to the AI’s training process, while the abstract forms and shapes evoke the intangibility of its digital nature. I trained the AI model, and its training can be seen through the evolution of these 16 paintings. As the AI’s training progressed, refined, and complexified, so did my chosen mediums and techniques. The layering of these elements forms a cohesive visual for the integration of human input and machine output. By contemplating how, what, and where these mediums and surfaces interplay, it invites the viewer to ponder the fusion of human creativity and AI technology as well as the ethical considerations of AI’s ever-expanding knowledge and how, what, and where that knowledge originated from.