BFA, Studio Art (Photography & Imaging)
Artist Statement
Motivated by an innate curiosity about my own family history and matrilineal relationships, Sincerely, Grace invites the viewer into my home to discuss these ancestral lines and examine the many different ways to view, define, and experience a family tree. Through environmental portraiture and documentation of archival photographs and letters sent and received by the women within my own family lineage, this work considers a breakaway from the traditional format of a family tree, where any given lineage begins with a male figure. Sincerely, Grace flips the focus onto the mothers, the women who make up the roots of the tree that directly grows from them to the future generations, in this case the daughters. This project is rooted in a need to understand family, specifically the relationships between that of the female figures closest to me by blood. By looking inward at my own ancestry, something that can be quite personal, I have discovered the importance of the universal need for validation and simple understanding when it comes to family lineage. I have also realized the benefits of such a methodical process of researching and curating information throughout the process of creating this collection, and the various steps that lead this project to become what it is today. The photographs that comprise Sincerely, Grace, while necessarily specific to my own experience, initiate a larger conversation surrounding women’s essential role in each one of our own family’s history, archive, and legacy.