Giselle Montes

BA, Art (Studio Arts – Painting & Drawing)

Artist Statement

Desire to connect

The Desire to Connect is a collection of seven acrylic paintings that delves into the concept of human connectedness and its influence on life satisfaction. The series aims to explore the emotional and psychological benefits of recognizing how our shared humanity outweighs our differences, with the ultimate goal of achieving a form of life satisfaction. The viewer will experience a connection to their inner world once they view the figurative paintings. This is accomplished by establishing an atmosphere within the artwork that evokes a sense of familiarity or nostalgia by depicting people grooming themselves, and tidying their home. By focusing on moments of quiet reflection and routine the importance of these seemingly small acts feel rich with meaning and connection. We have all performed these activities at some point in our lives, and even if we have never met the person in the work of art, we will feel a sense of connection to them. While the figure is the most detailed element within the painting it remains with little facial detail, so it is easier to connect with people from a variety of backgrounds. The environment the figure is interacting with is likewise vaguely drawn for similar reasons. Through these paintings, viewers are encouraged to reflect on the ways in which human experiences transcend cultural, social, and individual barriers.