Gayle Lieberenz

BA, Art (Studio Arts – Printmaking and Book Arts)

Artist Statement

Reality of Plurality

My artistic interests and endeavors lie largely in illustration, printmaking, and painting. Not only do I work with archival methods, but I also often work digitally, a combination of practices provides me with accessible means to create works that I am able to be proud of. As I traverse my art career there are many subject matters that I have enjoyed making works about – gender identity, sexism, anti-capitalism, etc. However, none have been as potent as my endeavors into mental health. I’ve always been open about my mental health in hopes of helping and inspiring those around me who may be struggling with something similar; sometimes, knowing you’re not alone makes all the difference in the world. In my exhibition, Reality of Plurality, I illustrate six of my own alters (or alternate personalities) that are part of my system as someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder. In six different mediums, each one is done by the alter itself and so therefore there are stylistic differences as well.  I aspire to create art that not only inspires and helps connect others who struggle with their mental health, but also to provide unique and powerful insight into stigmatized disorders. By doing this, I want to not only raise awareness but also to help others reach a new level of understanding and acceptance of topics they would rather avoid. All I hope for is that my art is able to open others’ eyes to the reality of those living with such disorders and illnesses, that we are not the monsters others make us out to be.