BFA, Studio Art (Sculpture)
Artist Statement
This sculptural body of work explores metamorphosis and the way that the action of transformation creates meaning. Referencing narrative mythology along with introspective issues that humans deal with. I intend for the idea of metamorphoses to be developed through sculptures that juxtapose fictional characters and objects. The resulting narrative provides a contrasting lens for the human condition. The pieces’ objects imply out-of-place existence in our world. For example, in “TypewriterHead” the typewriter head is a “MacGuffin” that the viewer could understand through its act of metamorphosis and unusual placement in the real world. I use clay, plaster, paper-mâché, and chicken wire to create a convincing physical presence for the stylized creatures and objects. I sculpt realistically with a somewhat distorted and dreamlike appearance. I use vibrant colors to amplify the surreal appearance of the sculptures. I intend for the lighting to create a dramatic mood that compliments the narrative. I strive to create a physically immersive experience for the viewer that evokes the complex ideas of metamorphosis.