BFA, Studio Art (Digital Studio Practice)
Artist Statement
I make digital illustrations that focus on character designs and explore gender, personalities, and identities that are not often represented in fantasy media, such as movies and games. Identity is the focus of most of my work, at my core, it’s why I love art and design. Being able to understand a character and their motivations in a story reveals more about oneself. It’s easy to get lost and distracted in day-to-day life but seeing characters that you can relate to in a story you enjoy creates a space for you to connect with your identity again and learn something new. True Form: Illustrating Feminine and Genderqueer Identities is a series of three character designs exploring different personalities and identities within a fantasy realm. The inspiration and focus of Gwen, the Witch from the Grave goes against the traditional emotion-driven and depthless female character that is implemented throughout games and fantasy media. She is a driven female character who is not created for the plot of her male counterpart. Often in games and fantasy, feminine characters are seen as healers and caregivers, where Pearl, the Stargazer breaks the mold by embracing her flaws and rage that is usually reserved for cis-male or masculine characters, while remaining feminine and independent. In contrast, the androgynous depiction of Cipher, The Faceless Con Artist explores a nonbinary hero, an identity not often represented in games and fantasy. True Form: Illustrating Feminine and Genderqueer Identities pushes for more inclusive options and identities within media and fantasy. Exploring broader and more in-depth character designs and narratives opens the realm of fantasy to more people and represent those who don’t often get to examine their identities, and in turn, break the mold.