Artist Statement
As these vast and open landscapes close in, my mind clouds with indecisiveness, as thoughts of longing, anticipation, and regret begin to overwhelm me. Stagnant within this space, as memories of the past fill my mind, I pass through emotions of sorrow, joy, anxiety, calm, apprehension, and apathy. As the landscape continues to collapse, time is lost, and the state of my present mind slowly decays. Absence in my ability to choose—to navigate the environment before me.
In-Between represents a space where my mind becomes weak and overworked with contemplation. It is the state in which the landscape is reshaped, preventing passage, revealing new paths, and at times becoming a void. These photographs were mishandled through physical and chemical means to accelerate the deterioration of time. These corrupted images embody the space in which my mind resides. It is here, within this liminal In-Between, where the landscape had closed in that I am alone with my thoughts.