BFA, Studio Art (Print and Narrative Forms)
Artist Statement
My most recent artworks are devoted to depicting dreamscapes that I encounter in my sleep. Dreams are often lucid as I am aware that I am dreaming. They consist of surreal natural landscapes – deserts, bodies of water, forests.
Being mindful during waking life has been the best guide to becoming lucid while dreaming. As soon as I realize I am dreaming, I am free to do anything I desire without any physical or mental restriction. When I enter a lucid state, I levitate myself into space and hover to my next destination. For example, if I am in water, I begin to breathe and swim with the skill of a sea creature. My dreams are also a space to practice overcoming fears without danger, a space to explore my subconscious mind.
Illustrating the dreams I hold closest to my heart allows me to memorialize them. By sharing these dreamscapes, I aim to inspire others to practice remembering their dreams and become more connected to their deepest, most authentic and natural selves.