Artist Statement
Buddha Like
I am making observations about the coping strategies used by young people today, particularly in China, and how these strategies, which have their roots in cultural history, may have two possible outcomes: a calm acceptance (as suggested by Buddhist overtones) and a somewhat sarcastic and submissive apathy toward obstacles in life. I want to offer an experience reflection on the lifestyle of the “Buddha like” through my installation art. Through enabling participants to engage with the artwork and encounter its contemplative and playful elements, I offer a tangible representation of the affective and mental dimensions of the “Sang” subculture. My experiences, views on culture, and the emergence of internet memes and expressions among Chinese youth are some of my influences. With its two meanings in contemporary Chinese culture, the phrase “佛系”(Buddha-like) provides an important foundation. This piece falls into the category of interactive installation art since it incorporates experiential design and socio-cultural critique. It combines contemporary technology (Arduino-driven light and sound interactions) with ancient symbols (the lotus). The “佛系”(Buddha-like) motif is reinforced by the incorporation of Buddhist symbols in the lotus seat option. You may give participants an immersive sense of the opposing emotions connected to this term by making it interactive. The depth created by the Arduino-powered light and sound elements enables a dynamic reaction to participant activities. The integration of customs, cultural analysis, and modern technology results in a comprehensive portrayal of the multifaceted emotions linked to the “Sang” subculture and “佛系” (Buddha-like) way of life.