BFA, Studio Art (Jewelry & Metalsmithing)
Artist Statement
This enameled brooch and necklace series, Adorn, was inspired by my experience with eczema, acne, and scars and how these skin conditions have affected my life. With this work, I want to challenge the idea that skin is considered ugly when burdened by the presence of an imperfection. These pieces were crafted to amplify the grotesque appearance and overwhelming feeling of rashes and other skin conditions by having an overt presence on the body as adornment. The brooches were made by layering specific enamel colors and textures, resembling various scars that can inhabit flesh. Each piece is housed in a setting with bold borders that protect the enamel and enhance the illusion of a blemish being implanted on the skin. When held or worn, the pieces feel heavy, giving a sense of the emotional weight that is carried when one is burdened by the shame that often accompanies these physical wounds. Historically the process of enameling has been used as a means to apply color onto metal to imitate the vibrant colors of precious and semi-precious gemstones. By taking these imperfections and presenting them on the body as adornment and rendering them in enamel, I suggest that they are more than just a burden; I transform them into beautiful gems to be revered.