Beth Lemerand

Artist Statement

Ritual Through Stitch

Ritual Through Stitch explores the relationships between care, craft and memory through a combination of printmaking and fiber arts techniques. Quiet scenes of domesticity and the mundane are often understated memorials of labor and love. Although I am a formally and technically trained Printmaker, I am less concerned about rigid definitions and perceptions of “High” and “Low” art, rather, I am committed to utilizing traditional crafts, learning their historical significance, and engaging with them with specificity and purpose. I view Ritual Through Stitch as an act of love, integrating the repetitive nature of printmaking and sewing with the concept of care and domestic labor.  Moments of care such as reading a bedtime story or a kiss goodnight can be recreated and repeated through the process of stone lithography, much like it was each time my parents got me ready for bed as a child. The tactile nature of fabric as well as the historical associations of quilting are akin to comfort and the home. While stemming from different traditions, sewing craft practices and printmaking are both highly technical mediums, requiring a great deal of love and attention that is often overlooked. The emphasis on material and the precision of the maker’s hand heavily influence my practice, and I am determined to continue working within both art forms as I expand my body of work.