Alexander Koerner

BFA, Studio Art
Dual Discipline Focus
Primary Focus: Creative Technologies
Secondary Focus: Painting & Drawing

Artist Statement

Working List

Working List comments on vulnerable birds in Wisconsin through 66 illustrations that vary in size based on each species’ level of endangerment. The sizes of the canvases show how rapidly each bird’s habitat is dwindling due to human caused pressures. As we all share natural environments, we must be aware of the effects we have on other living creatures who also occupy these spaces. Working List aims to spark interest to learn about the environment around us, through illustrations inspired by research to accurately depict the birds in their natural habitats. From there, each piece is created digitally in one sitting to emphasize how quickly we can lose an important part of our natural ecosystem. Size also plays a part in speaking to the dwindling populations of native birds, with the smaller prints being the most endangered. Accompanying the illustrations, a custom sound board, composed of a microcomputer, plays bird calls based on the selection of the audience. This interactive piece brings tactile engagement into the overall work. As humans we learn best with multiple methods of engagement—touch, sound, and sight. These two components combine to create an experience for educational spaces that are both adjacent to and champion natural environments.