Svetlana Tenges

BFA, Studio Art (Jewelry & Metalsmithing)

Artist Statement

Once Upon a Tine

As a kid, the stories I loved the most began with the iconic words, Once Upon a Time. This series is my story, an exploration of myself, a self-portrait of my life and the trauma I have experienced. Each set of flatware represents a different struggle, family, friends, self-perception, and addiction. 

Hearth is made from forged silver in the theme of fireplace poker sets. It has not always been easy to see eye-to-eye with my family, which is why the set is forged from square rod, you can never see the other side. Despite the challenges, it is important to keep striving and to keep the flame from going out.  

Just Take One, a wooden set inspired by the beautiful but toxic purple heart wood and has deadly poisonous castor bean seeds set in the handles with silver settings. I have learned that not everyone is your friend, no matter how pretty or fun they look. Be careful what you eat.  

Thorn Up is created out of fine silver, cast bronze handles, and red garnets. This set is about struggles with eating disorders and beauty standards. Binge eating has been an ongoing struggle for me, and this flatware is designed to hurt to eat just like society hurts and pressures us to change our eating to fit in. 

Imbibe represents my struggle with alcoholism. Made of silver, brass and balsa wood, this set is designed to deteriorate. The wooden handles were soaked in wine and then painted, and will rot from the inside out, just as alcohol affects us. 

Opening up about these struggles was not easy, it takes courage to admit when I need help. Exploring myself through my art, I feel as though I was able to reach a point of closure for some of my traumas. I encourage viewers to explore the meanings behind the sets and what they are used for and how they may relate to you. Bon appetite!