Garret Poissant

Artist Statement

Garret Poissant focuses his art within his passions of science and technology concepts including mechanics and electronics. At a young age, he found himself fascinated by moving objects, even watching the inner-workings of an elevator at the Mall of America for quite some time. With this immersive engagement of witnessing objects in motion, Garret took his fascinations into the fields of Physics and Engineering at the start of his higher educational career. Throughout his studies, his focus on a career within amusement ride design became stronger, but his technical skills in mathematics were subpar keeping him from achieving his goals. After multiple meetings with counselors and researching the Digital Fabrication Design pathway, Garret found his previous studies beneficial to his success providing practicality and functionality aspects to his creations. Furthermore, his designs also involve motion to some degree wither being actual movement of parts, programmed light sequences, or containing a recent hobby of sound design. He hopes his creations can influence future generations to explore multiple disciplines as he has pushing the boundaries of what we are able to accomplish with technology and technology that doesn’t exist yet, but could one day.