Michael D. Steele is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee . He has worked with preservice secondary mathematics teachers at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Michigan State University, with mathematics education doctoral students at Michigan State University, and with practicing teachers and administrators across the Midwest.
Dr. Steele’s work focuses on supporting secondary math teachers in developing mathematical knowledge for teaching, integrating content and pedagogy, through teacher preparation and professional development. He is a co-author of the best-selling Taking Action: Implementing Effective Teaching Practices in Grades 6-8 from NCTM. He has collaborated on two NSF-funded projects that have created professional development resources for teachers: Mathematics Discourse in Secondary Classrooms (MDISC) and Cases of Reasoning and Proving in Secondary Mathematics (CORP). He studies the influence of curriculum through the NSF-funded Mathematical Practices Implementation (MPI) study and Algebra I policy as co-PI of the Learning About New Demands in Schools: Considering Algebra Policy Environments (LANDSCAPE) project. And he supports teacher professional development as the PI of the Wisconsin DPI-funded Common Core High School Mathematics Leadership (CCHSML) project and the Milwaukee Mathematics Teacher Partnership (MMTP), launched in 2016.
He is currently Board Member-at-Large of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, president of Wisconsin AMTE, a regular presenter at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference and Annual Meetings, and has served on the editorial board of Review of Educational Research.