Funding and Awards

2024-2027, National Science Foundation, NSF-2423601, Collaborative Research: Enzyme dynamics on biologically relevant time-scales revealed by single-particle CryoEM and X-ray crystallography


After the sunset of the BioXFEL Science and Technology Center (we have a 2nd year of no-cost extension, but our budget is depleted after the first year), time is come to broaden our horizon. After our groundbreaking work with single-particle cryo-EM published in Science Advances, we now expand our expertise in time-resolved crystallography to time-resolved cryo-EM.

2018-2023, the Science and Technology Center (STC) Biology with Xray Lasers (BioXFEL) award is extended by another 5 years

Our quest to investigate kinetics and dynamics of proteins at the strongest X-ray sources of the world continues.

2013-2018, National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center (STC) Biology with Xray Lasers, BioXFEL, NSF 1231306

From the NSF web-page:



“The Science and Technology Centers (STCs): Integrative Partnerships program supports innovative, potentially transformative, complex research and education projects that require large-scale, long-term awards. STCs conduct world-class research through partnerships among academic institutions, national laboratories, industrial organizations, and/or other public/private entities, and via international collaborations, as appropriate. They provide a means to undertake significant investigations at the interfaces of disciplines and/or fresh approaches within disciplines. STCs may involve any areas of science and engineering that NSF supports. STCs investments support the NSF vision of advancing discovery, innovation and education beyond the frontiers of current knowledge, and empowering future generations in science and engineering.”

2016-2019, National Science Foundation, NSF-1616824


Structure-function relationships in metalloenzymes with multiple redox-active centers (with Andy Pacheco, PI, UWM Chemistry and Biochemistry).



2013-2016, National Science Foundation, NSF-1330809


Structure-function relationships in metalloenzymes with multiple redox-active centers (with Andy Pacheco, PI, UWM Chemistry and Biochemistry).


2010-2015, National Science Foundation NSF-0952643, CAREER.


From the NSF web page: “The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Such activities should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leardership in integrating education and research”.

2012-2015, National Science Foundation NSF-1158318


Time-resolved structure determination from solution (with D. Saldin, PI, UWM Physics Department).


2011-2013 , National Science Foundation NSF-1121770


Structure-function relationships in metalloenzymes with multiple redox-active centers (with A. Pacheco, PI).

2012-2013, Research Growth Initiative, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Structure and function of an electricity generating protein (with D. Saffarini, Co-PI).

2011-2013, National Science Foundation, UW-Milwaukee Research Experience for Teachers (RET).


2010, 2011, 2012 , American Chemical Society, SEED.


From the ACS web page:

“The ACS Project SEED summer research program opens new doors for economically disadvantaged students to experience what it’s like to be a chemist. Students entering their junior or senior year in high school are given a rare chance to work alongside scientist-mentors on research projects in industrial, academic, and federal laboratories, discovering new career paths as they approach critical turning points in their lives”.

2011-2012, Research Growth Initiative, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.


The reaction of nitric oxide in Mycoccocus tuberculosis truncated hemoglobin


2009-2011, National Science Foundation, NSF-0843459.


Structure-function relationships in metalloenzymes with multiple redox-active centers (with A. Pacheco, PI).


2010-2011, Research Growth Initiative, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.


Time-resolved X-ray structure analysis of iron containing proteins


2005-2008, Projekt Schm 1423/2-1 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.


2003-2005, Sonderforschungsbereich 533, Teilprojekt B10, of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.



2017 – UW-Milwaukee Research Foundation Senior Faculty Award.

2011 – UW-Milwaukee Graduate School Research Award.

2010 – NSF Career Award.

2001 – Posterprize of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Biophysik: The Singular Value Decomposition of Time-Resolved X-ray Data.

1997 – Needle for the best dissertation in the physics department of the Technische Universitaet Muenchen.