Nazmul was awarded MIDD research assistantship for Spring 2025! Congratulations Nazmul!
Dr. Saha and Nazmul successfully completed Fall 2024 NSF I-Corps program!
Here is the snapshot of our mural detailing our work throughout the 5-weeks program!
Dr. Saha presented seminar in Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry at DePaul University!
We were delighted to host Prof. Roux from U Chicago and learned a lot on Covalent Drug Discovery from his wonderful presentation!
Shilpa and Sujan presented posters in ACS Milwaukee local section!
Qingshu did a great job presenting a poster and a talk on our proposal regarding PFAS degradation in WEP I/UCRC 2024 Fall IAB meeting!
Dr. Saha presented research at Dept. of Chemistry, UW Oshkosh!
Seminars – Chemistry University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Saha lab members presented in WiSER conference at Medical College of Wisconsin.
Congratulations Ash for wining SURF award!
Ashe joined Saha lab as an undergraduate researcher in Summer 2024. Welcome Ashe!
Qingshu joined Saha lab as PhD student in Summer 2024. Welcome Qingshu!
Congratulations Saha lab members for receiving Catalyst Grant from UWM Research Foundation, Inc.
Here is the link Here is another link
Congratulations Saha lab members for receiving prestigious Discovery and Innovation Grant!
Here is the link Here is another link
Nazmul successfully defended first PhD milestone meeting! Congrats Nazmul!
Nazmul and Justice presented posters on the Department’s annual research symposium! Good work Nazmul, Justice and Shilpa!
Sujan, Nazmul, Justice and Shilpa (from left to right).
Congratulations Allison for wining SURF award!
Shilpa and Justice submitted our drug resistance paper. Congrats Shilpa and Justice!
Allison joined Saha lab as an undergraduate researcher in spring 2024. Welcome Allison!
Jennifer joined Saha lab as an undergraduate researcher in spring 2024. Welcome Jennifer!
Nazmul presented in Dept. Colloquium.
Colloquium: Nazmul Hasan, UWM
Justice presented in Dept. Colloquium.
20240201 Justice Mallen
Saha lab published on Proteasome’s inhibition mechanism!
Here is the link of the paper.
Nazmul’s first paper from PhD got published. Congratulation Nazmul!
Here is the link of the paper.
Saha lab has been awarded computing time in Argonne Leadership Computing Facility!
Shilpa joined Saha Lab as postdoctoral scientist in September 2023. Welcome Shilpa!
Sujan joined Saha lab as PhD student in Fall 2023. Welcome Sujan!
Reuben joined Saha lab as PhD student in Fall 2023. Welcome again Reuben!
Nick joined Saha lab as undergraduate researcher in August 2023. Welcome Nick!
Saha lab participated in ACS Seed program and hosted high students.
Saha laboratory participated in ACS Seed program and hosted two high school students (Maya Abdelkarim and Aliyah Bryant, who worked under the mentorship of Justice and Nazmul). Thanks a lot to Prof. Prof Blecking! Please find details in the following… Read More
Nazmul submitted his first first author paper from PhD journey. Saha lab’s inaugural paper. Well done Nazmul!
Nazmul joined Saha lab as PhD student in Summer 2023. Welcome Nazmul!
Our group’s first poster presentation! Congrats Reuben!
Dr. Saha got appointed as MIDD member.
Drs. Saha and Premnath appointed as MIDD members
Dr. Saha presented our group’s research in the Dept. of Physics UW- Milwaukee.
2023_4_13 Saha Biophysics Seminar[20]
It was wonderful to host Professor Mike Gilson from UCSD!
Arjun had a wonderful visit to ACS Spring 2023 in Indianapolis!
Left to right: Dr. Saha (UW Milwaukee), Dr. Jarrold (IU Bloomington), Dr. Hrant (UC Merced) and Dr. Raghavachari (IU Bloomington) Dr. Saha and Dr. Roy (UT Knoxville)
Luis joined Saha lab as undergraduate researcher in December 2022. Welcome Luis!
Justice joined Saha lab as PhD student in Spring 2023. Welcome Justice!
Reuben won SURF award for Spring 2023. Congratulations Reuben!