1. “Afterword.” Composing Worlds with Elephants: Interdisciplinary Dialogues. Ed. Nicolas Lainé, Paul G. Keil, and Khatijah Rahmat. Marseille: French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, 2023. Pp. 331-34.
  2. “Zoo Time.” A Wilder Kingdom: Rethinking the Wild in Zoos, Wildlife Parks, and Beyond. Ed. Ben A. Minteer and Harry W. Greene. New York: Columbia University Press, 2023. Pp. 155-68.
  3. “Imagining Zoos.” Captures. Figures, théories et pratiques de l’imaginaire 7.2 (Nov. 2022). Special Issue: Figures animales. Interprétations et illusions. Ed. Violette Pouillard and Anne-Sophie Coiffet.
  4. “The Elephant in the Archive.” Traces of the Animal Past: Methodological Challenges in Animal History. Ed. Jennifer Bonnell and Sean Kheraj. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2022. Pp. 217-31.
  5. “The Antelope Collectors.” Zoo Studies: A New Humanities. Ed. Tracy McDonald and Daniel Vandersommers. Kingston, Ontario: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019. 45-64.
  6. “(Re)Introducing the Przewalski’s Horse.” The Ark and Beyond: The Evolution of Zoo and Aquarium Conservation. Ed. Ben A. Minteer, Jane Maienschein, and James Collins. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018. 77-89.
  7. “Mammoths in the Landscape.” Routledge Handbook of Human-Animal Studies. Ed. Susan McHugh and Garry Marvin. London: Routledge, 2014. 10-22.
  8. “A Hero’s Death.”  Animal Acts: Performing Species Today. Ed. Una Chaudhuri and Holly Hughes. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2013. 182-88.
  9. “Preserving History: Collecting and Displaying in Carl Akeley’s In Brightest Africa.” Animals on Display: The Creaturely in Museums, Zoos, and Natural History. Ed. Karen Rader, Liv Emma Thorsen, and Adam Dodd. State College: Penn State UP, 2013. 58-73.
  10. “Trophies and Taxidermy.” Gorgeous Beasts: Animal Bodies in Historical Perspective. Ed. Joan Landes, Paula Young Lee, and Paul Youngquist. State College: Penn State University Press, 2012. 117-136.
  11. “Touching Animals: The Search for a ‘Deeper Understanding’ of Animals.” Beastly Natures: Animals, Humans, and the Study of History. Ed. Dorothee Brantz. Charlottesville: U of Virginia P. 2010. 38-58.
  12. “Tiere berühren: Vierbeinige Darsteller und ihr Publikum.” Tierische Geschichte: Die Beziehung von Mensch und Tier in der Kultur der Moderne. Ed. Dorothee Brantz and Christof Mauch. Paderborn: Schöningh Verlag, 2009. 19-38. Translation of “Touching Animals” (2010).
  13. Zoos, the Academy, and Captivity.” PMLA. 124.2 (March 2009): 480-86.
  14. “The Eyes of Elephants: Changing Perceptions.” Tidsskrift for kulturforskning 7.3 (2008): 39-50.
  15. “Elephants, Ethics, and History.” Elephants and Ethics: Toward a Morality of Coexistence. Ed. Chris Wemmer and Catherine A. Christen. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP. 2008. 100-119.
  16. “Carl Hagenbecks utstillinger av mennesker.” Ottar. Populærvitenskapelig tidskrift fra Tromsø Museum – Univeristetsmuseet. Nr. 167 (2007): 18-24.
  17. “How the Caged Bird Sings: Animals and Entertainment.” A Cultural History of Animals in the Age of Empire. Ed. Kathleen Kete. New York: Berg, 2007. 95-112.
  18. “Killing Elephants: Pathos and Prestige in the Nineteenth Century.” Victorian Animal Dreams: Representations of Animals in Victorian Literature and Culture. Ed. Deborah Denenholz Morse and Martin Danahay. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2007. 53-63.
  19. “Why Look at Elephants?” Worldviews Environment, Culture, Religion. Guest ed. Erica Fudge. 9.2 (summer 2005): 166-83.
  20. “Introduction: Animals and Zoos and History.” Captive Beauty: Zoo Portraits by Frank Noelker. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 2004. xiii-xxviii.
  21. “Introduction.” Representing Animals.  Ed. Nigel Rothfels.  Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002.  vii-xv.
  22. “Immersed with Animals.” Representing Animals.  Ed. Nigel Rothfels.  Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002.  199-223.
  23. “Die Revolution des Herrn Hagenbeck” in: Mensch, Tier, und Zoo. Der Tiergarten Schönbrunn im internationalen Vergleich vom 18. Jahrhundert bis Heute. Ed. Mitchell G. Ash. Vienna: Boehlau-Verlag, 2008.  Translation of “Immersed with Animals” (2002).
  24. ““Immersi con gli animali” in Animot. L’altra filosofia 1.2 (December 2014): 80-106.  Translation of “Immersed with Animals” (2002).
  25. “Catching Animals.” Animals in Human Histories: The Mirror of Nature and Culture. Ed. Mary Henninger-Voss. Rochester: U of Rochester P, 2002. 182-228.
  26. “Aztecs, Aborigines, and Ape-People: Science and Freaks in Germany, 1850-1900.” Freakery: Cultural Spectacles of the Extraordinary Body. Ed. Rosemarie Garland Thomson. Buffalo: New York UP, 1996. 158-72.


  1. Review of Roel Sterckx, Martina Siebert, and Dagmar Schäfer, eds., Animals Through Chinese History: Earliest Times to 1911, American Historical Review 125.5 (December 2020): 1836-1838.
  2. “Swimming with Whales and History.” Review of Jason M. Colby, Orca: How We Came to Know and Love the Ocean’s Greatest Predator, Humanimalia 12.1 (Fall 2020): 367-70.
  3. Review of Kristin Guest and Monica Mattfeld, eds., Equestrian Cultures: Horses, Human Society, and the Discourse of Modernity, Eighteenth Century Studies 53.4 (Summer 2020): 735-37.
  4. “Zoo Stories.” Review of John Bierlein and Staff of HistoryLink, Woodland: The Story of the Animals and People of Woodland Park Zoo, and Andrew Flack, The Wild Within: Histories of a Landmark British Zoo, Humanimalia 11.2 (Spring 2020): 219-22.
  5. Review of Gary Bruce, Through the Lion Gate: A History of the Berlin Zoo, German Studies Review 41.2 (May 2018): 402-403.
  6. Review of Peta Tait, Fighting Nature: Travelling Menageries, Animal Acts and War Shows, Animal Studies Journal 6.1 (2017): 182-184.
  7. Review of London Zoo and the Victorians: 1828-1859 by Takashi Ito. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 45.4 (Spring 2015): 576-77.
  8. Review of Lynn K. Nyhart, Modern Nature: The Rise of the Biological Perspective in GermanyAmerican Historical Review 115.4 (October 2010): 1235.
  9. Review of Servants of Ganesh: Inside the Elephant Stableby Mark Dugas & Piers Locke. Humanimalia 2.1 (Fall 2010): np.
  10. Review of Carl Hagenbeck’s Empire of Entertainments  by Eric Ames. The German Quarterly  83.3 (Summer 2010): 374-75.
  11. Review of Valuing Animals: Veterinarians and Their Patients in Modern America by Susan D. Jones. American Historical Review 109.2 (April 2004): 566-67.
  12. Review of Elephant Slaves and Pampered Parrots: Exotic Animals in Eighteenth Century Paris by Louise E. Robbins. Isis: Journal of the History of Science Society 94.2 (June 2003): 383-84.
  13. Review of Cultural Studies of Modern Germany: History, Representation, and Nationhood by Russell A. Berman. Discourse 17.3 (1995): 158-62.


Other Writing
  1. “Can Zoos Actually Save Species from Extinction?” TED-Ed. April, 2023.  205K views as of August 17, 2023.
  2. With Hannaleigh Rose Jennings, “Das Nachttierhaus und der Affe: Eine kurze Entstehungsgeschichte.” Tiergarten: Magazine für Zoointeressierte 2|2022: 27-35.
  3. “Captivity without End: The Delusion of Freeing the Elephants.” Culturico, June 29, 2021.
  4. “Prison, Spectacle, Refuge: Have Modern Zoos Really Put Their History behind Them?” Aeon, 19 Sept. 201
  5. “Foreword,” Increasing Legal Rights for Zoo Animals: Justice on the Ark, ed. Jesse Donahue (Lanham: Lexington Press, 2017), ix-xi.
  6. “Will the End of Breeding Orcas at SeaWorld Change Much for Animals in Captivity?The Conversation (US).  March 22, 2016
  7. “Foreword.” Year of the Bird: A Celebration of Hybridity. Exhbition Catalog. Maitland, NSW: Maitland Regional Art Gallery, 2013.
  8. “Reflections on the Vitrine.” Interview with Ingvild Kaldal. Art and Research. 4.1 (Summer 2011). Online.
  9. “Foreword.” The Other Animals. Ed. Amy Nelson and Jane Costlow. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2010. ix-xi.
  10. “‘And the lion will lay down with the lamb’: Carl Hagenbeck’s Visions of Paradise.” Bandwagon: The Journal of the Circus Historical Society 45.4 (July-August 2001): 4-11.
  11. “Circus Nights.” Mouth to Mouth 1 (2001): 92-96.