Google Scholar:
A. Books /Book Chapter
- Brahmi, B., Saad, M., Ochoa Luna, C., Rahman, M.H., and Brahmi A. (2019). Cartesian Sliding Mode Control of an Upper Extremity Exoskeleton Robot for Rehabilitation. In: Derbel N., Ghommam J., Zhu Q. (eds) New Developments and Advances in Robot Control. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 175:201-220, Singapore, Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
- Brahmi, B., Rahman, H., Saad, M., Ochoa-Luna, C., and Islam, R. (2019). Development and Control of an Upper Extremity Exoskeleton Robot for Rehabilitation., Wearable Robotics: Systems and Applications, In J Rosen (Ed.) – Book Chapter Contribution, Elsevier
- Rahmani, M., Rahman, M.H., and Ghommam, J. (2019). Compound Fractional Integral Terminal Sliding Mode Control and Fractional PD Control of a MEMS Gyroscope. New Trends in Robot Control (Springer), In Derbel N (Ed.),
- Rahman, M.H., Saad, M., Kenné, J., & Archambault, P. S. (2012). Nonlinear Sliding Mode Control Implementation of an Upper Limb Exoskeleton Robot to Provide Passive Rehabilitation Therapy. In C.-Y. Su, S. Rakheja & H. Liu (Eds.), Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 7507:52-62, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Rahman, M. H., Ahmed, M. Z., and Islam, M. T. (2006). Applied Mechanics. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Provati Engineering, Cell Publications, ISBN: 984-32-37005 (Bengali).
B. Refereed Journals (selected)
- Brahmi, B., Saad, M., Rahman, M.H., and Brahmi, A. (2019). Adaptive Force and Position Control based on Quasi-Time Delay Estimation of Exoskeleton Robot for Rehabilitation (2019). IEEE Transaction on Control Systems and Technology, Springer, pp.1–12 (Early Access), doi: 10.1109/TCST.2019.2931522, URL:
- Rahmani, M., and Rahman, M.H. (2019). Adaptive Neural Network Fast Fractional Sliding Mode Control, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, Springer, 17:1-10, doi:10.1007/s12555-019-0155-1
- Rahmani, M., and Rahman, M.H. (2019). A new adaptive fractional sliding mode control of a MEMS gyroscope, Microsystem Technologies, Springer Verlag, 25(9):3409-3416, doi: 10.1007/s00542-018-4212-8
- Brahmi, B., Brahmi, A., Saad, M., Gauthier, G., and Rahman, M. (2019). Robust Adaptive Tracking Control of Uncertain Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Robot. ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. pp. 1-11, doi: 10.1115/1.4044372
- Brahmi, B., Laraki, M.H., Brahmi, A., Saad, M., and Rahman, M.H. (2019) Improvement of sliding mode controller by using a new adaptive reaching law: Theory and Experiment, ISA Transactions, ISSN 0019-0578, (In Press), doi: 10.1016/j.isatra.2019.08.010
- Fareh, R., Baziyad, M., Rahman, M.H., Rabie, T., and Bettayeb, M. (2019) Investigating Reduced Path Planning Strategy for Differential Wheeled Mobile Robot. Robotica, pp. 1-21. doi: 10.1017/S0263574719000572
- Brahmi, B., Laraki, M.H., Saad, M., Rahman, M.H., Ochoa-Luna, C., Brahmi, A. (2019). Compliant adaptive control of human upper-limb exoskeleton robot with unknown dynamics based on a Modified Function Approximation Technique (MFAT), Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Elsevier V.117 (July 2019): 92-102, doi:
- Assad-Uz-Zaman, M., Rasedul Islam, M., Miah, S., and Rahman, M. H. (2019). NAO robot for cooperative rehabilitation training. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, SAGE Publishing. 4:1-14, doi: 10.1177/2055668319862151.
- Joadder, M.A.M., Myszewski, J.J, Rahman, M.H., and Wang I., (2019). A performance based feature selection technique for subject independent MI based BCI, Health Inf Sci Syst, Springer, 7(1): 1-10, doi: 10.1007/s13755-019-0076-2
- Wang Y.C., Bohannon R.W., Kapellusch J., Washburn D., Li X, Yen S-C, Rahman M.H. (2019). Between-side differences in hand-grip strength across the age span: Findings from 2011-2014 NHANES and 2011 NIH Toolbox studies. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, Taylor & Francis Online, 24(6): 697-706. doi: 10.1080/1357650X.2019.1604727
- Islam, M.R., Assad-Uz-Zaman, M., and Rahman, M.H. (2019), Design and control of an ergonomic robotic shoulder for wearable exoskeleton robot for rehabilitation, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, Springer Nature, pp. 1-14, doi: 10.1007/s40435-019-00548-3
- Rahmani, M., Rahman, M.H., and Nosonovsky, M. (2019). A new hybrid robust control of MEMS gyroscope. Microsystem Technologies, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1007/s00542-019-04584-z
- Rahmani, M. and Rahman, M.H. (2019). An upper-limb exoskeleton robot control using a novel fast fuzzy sliding mode control. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 6(3), pp. 2581-2592, doi: 10.3233/JIFS-181558
- Rahmani, M., Rahman,M.H., and Ghommam, J. (2019). A 7-DoF Upper Limb Exoskeleton Robot Control Using a New Robust Hybrid Controller. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 17(4), pp. 986-994, doi: 10.1007/s12555-018-0410-5
- Al-Shuka, H.F.N., Rahman, M.H., Leonhardt, S., Ciobanu, I. Berteanu, (2019). Biomechanics, actuation, and multi-level control strategies of power-augmentation lower extremity exoskeletons: an overview, Int. J. Dynamics and Control, Springer Nature, pp. 1-27 doi:10.1007/s40435-019-00517-w
- Brahmi, B., Saad, M., Ochoa-Luna, C., Rahman, M.H., and Brahmi, A. (2019). Novel adaptive iterative observer based on integral backstepping control of a wearable robotic exoskeleton. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Inderscience, 60(2):154-164, doi: 10.1504/IJCAT.2019.100132
- Rahmani, and Rahman, M.H. (2019). A novel compound fast fractional integral sliding mode control and adaptive PI control of a MEMS gyroscope. Microsystem Technologies, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1007/s00542-018-4284-5
- Rahmani, M., and Rahman, M.H. (2018). Novel robust control of a 7-DOF exoskeleton robot. PloS one, 3(9), pp. 1-18, e0203440. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203440.
- Brahmi, B., Saad, M., Lam, J.T.A.T., Ochoa Luna, C., Archambault, P., and Rahman, M.H., (2018). Adaptive Control of a 7-DOF Exoskeleton Robot with Uncertainties on Kinematics and Dynamics. European Journal of Control, 42:77-87, ISSN 0947-3580, doi:
- Brahmi, B., Saad, M., Ochoa-Luna, C., Rahman, M.H., and Brahmi, A., (2018). Adaptive Tracking Control of an Exoskeleton Robot with Uncertain Dynamics Based on Estimated Time Delay Control. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 2018, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 575-585. doi: 10.1109/TMECH.2018.2808235
- Brahmi, B., Saad, M., Luna, C., Archambault, P., and Rahman, M.H. (2018). Passive and active rehabilitation control of human upper-limb exoskeleton robot with dynamic uncertainties. Robotica, 36(11): 1757-1779, doi:10.1017/S0263574718000723
- Brahmi, B., Saad, M., Brahmi, A., Luna, C.O., and M.H. (2018). Compliant control for wearable exoskeleton robot based on human inverse kinematics. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 15(6):1-18, DOI: doi: 10.1177/1729881418812133
- Fareh, R., Bettayeb, M., Rahman, M. (2018). Control of Serial Link Manipulator Using a Fractional Order Controller, International Review of Automatic Control (IREACO), 11(1): 29-35. doi: 10.15866/ireaco.v11i1.13275
- Islam, M.R, Spiewak, C., Rahman, M.H., and Fareh, F. (2017). A Brief Review on Robotic Exoskeletons for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation to Find the Gap between Research Porotype and Commercial Type. Advances in Robotic and Automation, 6 (3):1-12, doi: 10.4172/2168-9695.1000177
- Brahim, B., Saad, M., Rahman, M.H., and Ochoa-Luna, C. (2017). Cartesian Trajectory Tracking of a 7-DOF Exoskeleton Robot Based on Human Inverse Kinematics., IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 49(3): 600-611. doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2017.2695003.
- Brahim, B., Rahman, M.H., Saad, M., and O-Luna, C. (2016). Iterative Estimator-Based Nonlinear Backstepping Control of a Robotic Exoskeleton. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering [Published as a selected paper from 2016 International Conference on Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics (ICCDSR), Amsterdam, Netherlands], 10 (4):1279-1285. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1125645
- Spiewak, C., Islam, M.R., Rahman, M.H., Rahaman, M.A., Smith, R., and Saad, M. (2016). Modeling and Control of a 4DoF Robotic Assistive Device for Hand Rehabilitation. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering [Published as a selected paper from 2016 International Conference on Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics (ICCDSR), Amsterdam, Netherlands], 10 (8), pp. 1372-76., doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1125743
- Rahman, M H., Rahman, M. J., Cristobal, O.L., Saad, M., Kenne, J. P., and Archambault, P.S. (2015). Development of a Whole Arm Wearable Robotic Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation and to Assist Upper Limb Movements. Robotica, 33(1):19-39, DOI:
- Rahman, M.H., Ochoa-Luna, C., Saad, M., and Archambault, P. (2015), EMG Based Control of a Robotic Exoskeleton for Shoulder and Elbow Motion Assist,” Journal of Automation and Control Engineering, 3 (4): 270-276, doi: 10.12720/joace.3.4.270-276.
- Cristóbal O-L., Rahman, M. H., Saad, M., Archambault, P. S., and Ferrer, S.B (2015). Admittance-Based Upper Limb Robotic Active and Active-Assistive Movements, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, pp. 12 (114), 1-14., doi: 10.5772/60784
- Rahman, M. H., Cristobal, O. L., Rahman, M. J., Saad, M., and Archambault, P. S. (2014). Force-position control of a robotic exoskeleton to provide upper extremity movement assistance. Int. J. Modelling Identification and Control, Inderscience Publisher, 21(4):390-400. DOI: 10.1504/IJMIC.2014.062026.
- Cristóbal O-L., Rahman, M.H., Saad, M., Archambault, P.S., and Zhu, W-H. (2014). Virtual Decomposition Control of an Exoskeleton Robot Arm. Robotica. October, 2014, pp. 1-23, DOI: 10.1017/S026357471400246X.
- Rahman, M.H., Saad, M., Kenne, J.P., and Archambault, P.S. (2013). Control of an Exoskeleton Robot Arm with Sliding Mode Exponential Reaching Law. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 11(1): 92-104., doi: 10.1007/s12555-011-0135-1.
- Rahman, M.H., Ouimet, T.K., Saad, M., Kenne, J.P., and Archambault, P.S. (2012). Development of a 4DoFs Exoskeleton Robot for Passive Arm Movement Assistance. International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation, Inderscience Pub., 2(1):34-50., doi: 10.1504/IJMA.2012.046587.
- Rahman, M.H., Ouimet, T.K., Saad, M., Kenne, J.P., and Archambault, P.S. (2012). Development and Control of a Robotic Exoskeleton for Shoulder, Elbow and Forearm Movement Assistance. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 9 (3) pp. 275–292., doi: 10.3233/ABB-2012-0061.
- Rahman, M.H., Ouimet, T.K., Saad, M., Kenne, J.P., and Archambault, P.S. (2011). Dynamic Modeling and Evaluation of a Robotic Exoskeleton for Upper-Limb Rehabilitation. International Journal of Information Acquisition, 8(1), pp. 83-102., doi: 10.1142/S0219878911002367.
- Rahman, M.H., Saad, J. P. Kenne, and P.S. Archambault. (2011). Robot assisted rehabilitation for elbow and forearm movements. International Journal of Biomechatronics and Biomedical Robotics, Inderscience Publishers, 1(4): 206-218., doi: 10.1504/IJBBR.2011.043748.
- Kiguchi, K., Rahman, M. H., Sasaki, M., and Teramoto, K. (2008). Development of a 3DOF mobile exoskeleton robot for human upper-limb motion assists. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 56(8), 678-691., doi: 10.1016/j.robot.2007.11.007.
B. Conference Proceedings and Abstracts
- Wang YC, Kapellusch J, Li X, Yen S-C, Rahman MH, Liu CJ. (2019). Shoulder UE Rehabits: Ca-calibrate Three upper extremity functional questionnaires in outpatients with shoulder injuries. 96th American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, Nov 5-8, 2019
- Myszewski, J., Reina, T., Bergendahl, E. Rahman, M.H. (2018). Development of a Classification Algorithm for Bicep flexion from Multi-Subject EEG Data, 2018 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, October, 2018.
- Scannell N., Rahman M.H., Ardehali M, Smith R, Obiedat Q. (2018). Occupational Therapy Assistance Using a Humanoid Robot. 2018 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Oct 17-20, 2018.
- Reina, T., Myszewski, J., Bergendahl, E.; Rahman, M.H. (2018). Design and development of an ergonomic handheld muscle dynamometer, 2018 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Oct 17-20, 2018.
- Assad-Uz-Zaman, M., Islam, R., and *Rahman, M.H. (2018). Upper-Extremity Rehabilitation with NAO Robot, 5th International Conference of Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics (CDSR’18), Niagara Falls, Canada, June 7 – 9, 2018.
- Brahmi, B., Saad, M., Ochoa Luna, C., Rahman, H., and Di Gennaro, S. (2018). Adaptive Control of Upper Limb Exoskeleton Robot Based on a New Modified Function Approximation Technique (FAT). 2018 European Control Conference, pp. 608-613.
- Brahmi, B., *Rahman, M.H., Saad, M., Brahmi A. (2018). Non-Singular Second Order Terminal Sliding Mode Incorporating Time Delay Estimation for Uncertain Exoskeleton, 5th International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering (ICMIEE 2018), December 23-24, Khulna, Bangladesh. [Keynote Speaker: MH Rahman]
- Brahmi, B., Saad, M., Ochoa-Luna, C., Di Gennaro, S., *Rahman, M.H. A New Integral Second-Order Terminal Sliding Mode Control with Time Delay Estimation for an Exoskeleton Robot with Dynamics Uncertainties. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics (CDSR’18). Niagara Falls, Canada, June 7–9, 2018.
- Brahim, B., Saad, M., Rahman, M.H., Cristóbal O-L., Philippe, A. (2017). Sliding Mode Control of an Exoskeleton Robot Based on Time Delay Estimation, International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR 2017), Montreal, Canada, doi: 10.1109/ICVR.2017.8007513.
- Brahim, B., Saad, M., Rahman, M.H., and Ochoa Luna, C. (2017). Cartesian Sliding Mode Tracking Control of an Exoskeleton Robot Based on Time Delay Estimation, 14th International Multi-conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD 2017), Marrakech, Morocco, March 28-31, 2017, pp. 817-822.
- Sierra-flores Jr,F., Kovac, J.M., Rahman, M.H., Saad, M. (2017). EMG based Control of a Wearable Robot for Elbow and Forearm Movement Assistance, 2017 BMES Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, October 11-14.
- Brahim B., Saad M., Rahman, M.H., Cristobal O-Luna, (2017). Adaptive Control of an Exoskeleton Robot with Uncertainties on Kinematics and Dynamics, 15th IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2017), London, UK, 1369-1374, doi: 10.1109/ICORR.2017.8009439.
- Islam, M.R., Assad-Uz-Zaman, M., Christopher S., *Rahman, M.H. (2017). Motion Control of a Robotic Device for Passive Rehabilitation of Human Shoulder and Elbow Joint Movement, IEEE 37th Annual Great Lakes Biomedical Conference (GLBC), Pewaukee, WI, USA, April 6-7, 2017.
- Assad-Uz-Zaman, M., Islam, M.R., *Rahman, M.H., Roger S.,and Saad, M. (2017). An EMG based control scheme for elbow and forearm movement of NAO robot, IEEE 37th Annual Great Lakes Biomedical Conference (GLBC), Pewaukee, WI, USA, April 6-7, 2017.
- Shaon S.K., Rahman, M.H., and Anoop D. (2017). Design of a 3DOF Exoskeleton Robot for Rehabilitation of Lower Extremity on Sagittal Plane, IEEE 37th Annual Great Lakes Biomedical Conference (GLBC), Pewaukee, WI, USA, April 6-7, 2017.
- Brahim B., Cristóbal O-L., *Rahman, M.H., Saad, M. (2017). A new Adaptive Super-Twisting Control for an Exoskeleton Robot with Dynamic Uncertainties, IEEE 37th Annual Great Lakes Biomedical Conference (GLBC), Pewaukee, WI, USA, April 6-7, 2017.
- Spiewak, C. S., Rasedul, M.R., Rahman, M.H., and Saad, M. (2017). Myo Signal Based Control of a Robotic Assistive Device for Hand Rehabilitation, IEEE 37th Annual Great Lakes Biomedical Conference (GLBC), Pewaukee, WI, USA, April 6-7, 2017.
- Brahim, B., Saad, M., Cristobal O-L, Brahmi, A., Rahman, M.H. (2016). Adaptive Iterative Observer Based on Integral Backstepping Control for Upper Extremity Exoskeleton Robot. 2016 8th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMC), Algiers, Algeria, pp.886-891. DOI: 10.1109/ICMIC.2016.7804240.
- Spiewak, C. S., Rahman, M.H., Saad, M., Smith, R.O. (2016). Modeling and Control of a 4DoF Robotic Assistive Device for Forearm and Hand Rehabilitation, 18th International Conference on Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics (ICCDSR 2016), Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 4 – 5, 2016.
- Brahim, B., Rahman, M.H., Saad, M., Cristóbal O-L. (2016). Iterative Estimator Based Nonlinear Backstepping Control of a Robotic Exoskeleton, 18th International Conference on Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics (ICCDSR 2016), Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 4 – 5, 2016.
- Spiewak, C.S., Rahaman, M.A., *Rahman, M.H., D’Souza, R., Saad, M. (2016). Design and Control of a Robotic Assistive Device for Hand Rehabilitation (RAD-HR), International Conference on Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics (CDSR 2016), Ottawa, Canada, pp. (109)1-6, DOI: 10.11159/cdsr16.109).
- Brahim, B., *Rahman, M.H., Saad, M., Cristóbal O-L. (2016). Sliding mode-backstepping control for upper-limb rehabilitation with the ETS-MARSE exoskeleton robot, Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America Conference, (RESNA 2016), Arlington, VA, USA, pp.1-7.
- Cristobal, O.L., Rahman, H., Saad, M., and Archambault, P.S. (2014). Robotic assisted trajectory tracking for human arm rehabilitation, International Conference on Advances in Robotics, Mechatronics and Circuits, Greece, pp. 51-55.
- Rahman, H., Cristobal, O. L., Saad, M., and Archambault, P. (2014). Motion Control of an Exoskeleton Robot using EMG Signals, International Conference on Advances in Robotics, Mechatronics and Circuits, Greece, pp. 27-33.
- Rahman, H., Archambault, P.S., Saad, M., Cristobal, O. L., and Ferrer, S.B. (2013). Robot Aided Passive Rehabilitation using Nonlinear Control Techniques, Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2013), Turkey.
- Ferrer, S.B., Cristobal, O.L., Rahman, H., Saad, M., & Archambault, P.S. (2013). HELIOS: The human machine interface for MARSE robot, International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI 2013). Sopot, Poland, pp 117-122.
- Rahman, H., Cristobal, O.L., Ferrer, S.B., Saad, M., & Archambault, P.S. (2013). Control of an Upper Extremity Exoskeleton Robot to Provide Active Assistive Therapy, International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control (ICMIC 2013), Egypt.
- *Rahman, M.H., Cristobal, O.L., Saad, M., Kenne, J.P., & Archambault, P.S. (2012). Cartesian Trajectory Tracking of an Upper Limb Exoskeleton Robot, IECON-2012 – 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Montreal, pp. 2668-2673.
- Rahman, M.H., Ouimet, T.K., Saad, M., Kenne, J.P., and Archambault, P.S. (2011). Nonlinear Control of an Upper-Limb Exoskelton Robot, IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 772-775, Beirut, Lebanon.
- *Rahman, M.H., Ouimet, T.K., Saad, M., Kenne, J.P., and Archambault, P.S. (2011). Tele-operation of a Robotic Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation and Passive Arm Movement Assistance, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 443-448, Phuket, Thailand.
- *Rahman, M.H., Ouimet, T.K., Saad, M., Kenne, J.P., and Archambault, P. S. (2011). Control of a Powered Exoskeleton for Elbow, Forearm and Wrist Joint Movements, IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 1561-1566, Phuket, Thailand.
- *Rahman, M.H., Saad, M., Kenne, J.P., and Archambault, P.S. (2010). Modeling and Development of an Exoskeleton Robot for Rehabilitation of Wrist Movements, 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 2010, pp. 25-30, 6-9 July 2010, Montreal, Canada.
- Rahman, M.H., Saad, M., Kenne, J.P., and Archambault, P.S. (2010). Exoskeleton robot for rehabilitation of elbow and forearm movements, 2010 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED 2010), pp. 1567-1572, Marrakech, Morocco.
- Rahman, M.H., Ouimet, T.K., Saad, M., Kenne, J.P., & Archambault, P.S. (2010). Development and control of a wearable robot for rehabilitation of elbow and shoulder joint movements, IECON 2010 – 36th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, pp. 1506-1511, 7-10 Nov. 2010, Piscataway, NJ, USA.
- *Rahman, M.H., Saad, M., Kenne, J.P., and Archambault, P.S. (2009). Modeling and control of a 7DOF exoskeleton robot for arm movements, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2009), pp.245-250, 19-23 Dec. 2009, Guilin, China.
- *Rahman, M.H., and Saad, M. (2007). Development of Robotic Orthosis for Human Upper-Limb motion Assist. Poster presented at the 10th Innovation Contest, AITS, Canada, 2007.
- *Rahman, M.H., Kiguchi, K., Rahman, M.M., and Sasaki, M. (2006). Robotic exoskeleton for rehabilitation and motion assist, 1st International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2006, August 8, 2006 – August 11, 2006, pp. 241-246, Peradeniya, Sri lanka.
- Rahman, M.M., Rahman, M.H., & Ikeura, R. (2006). Impedance characteristic of shoulder and elbow joints during passive movement. 1st International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2006, pp. 231-235, 8 -11 August 2006, Peradeniya, Sri lanka.
- Kiguchi, K., Rahman, M.H., and Sasaki, M. (2006). Neuro-fuzzy based motion control of a robotic exoskeleton: considering end-effector force vectors. Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3146-51, Orlando, FL, USA.
- Kiguchi, K., and *Rahman, M.H. (2005). Design and development of a mobile exoskeleton robot for human upper limb motion assist. Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2005, pp. 811-815, August 2005, Japan.
- Kiguchi, K., Rahman, M.H., and Yamaguchi, T. (2005). Adaptation strategy for the 3DOF exoskeleton for upper-limb motion assist, Proceedings of the2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 2296-2301, April 2005, Spain.
- Kiguchi, K., Rahman, M.H., and Sasaki, M. (2005). Motion Control of a Robotic Exoskeleton, International Conference on Information and Automation, 186-191, December, 2005, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Kiguchi, K., *Rahman, M. H., and Sasaki, M. (2005). Control of a Mobile Exoskeleton Robot for Rehabilitation, 20th Japanese Conference on the Advancement of Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology (JCART). Saga, Japan.
- Kiguchi, K., Rahman, M.H., and Sasaki, M. (2005). Development of a Mobile Power-Assist Exoskeleton Robot for Human Upper Limb Motion. BE D/JSME, 2005(18(20060112)), 323-324.
- Kiguchi, K., and Rahman, M.H. (2004). Upper-Limb Daily Motion Assist with a Robotic Exoskeleton. Nihon Kikai Gakkai Nenji Taikai Koen Ronbunshu, 2004, 351-352
- Kiguchi, K., Rahman, M.H., and Yamaguchi, T. (2004). An Adjustment Method of an Exoskeleton Robot for Upper-Limb Motion Assist. Nippon Robotto Gakkai Gakujutsu Koenkai Yokoshu 22, 1I27.
- Kiguchi, K., Tanaka, T., and Rahman, M.H. (2004). Adaptation of an Exoskeleton Robot for Human Upper-Limb Motion Support. 2004, Nippon Kikai Gakkai Robotikusu, Mekatoronikusu Koenkai Koen Ronbunshu, 2P2-H-3.
- Kiguchi, K., T. Tanaka, and Rahman, M.H. (2004). Adaptation Strategy for the 3DOF Exoskeleton Robot for Human Upper-Limb Motion Assist. ROBOMEC, Japan’04.
D. Patents/ Disclosures
- Mohammad Rahman, Asif Swapnil, Md AssadUzZaman, Md Rasedul Islam, and Tanvir Ahmed. (2019). Wheelchair Mounted Smart Robotic Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation and Motion Assist, IP 1666 (status: on-hold, active).
- Mohammad Rahman, Asif Swapnil, Md AssadUzZaman, and Tanvir Ahmed. (2019). Smart Hand Rehabilitation Device, IP 1661 (status: on-hold, active).
- Mohammad Rahman, Asif Swapnil, Md AssadUzZaman, and Tanvir Ahmed. (2019). Multi-functional Robotic Assistive Arm, IP 1643 (status: on-hold, active).
- Inga Wang, and Mohammad Rahman. (2019). Assessing Spasticity Outcomes in the Digital Age: Smart Decisions Need Smart Data, TechId-1647 (status: on-hold, active).
- Md Assad Uz-Zaman, Mohammad Rahman, and Md Rasedul Islam. (2018). Powered Hand Rehabilitation Glove, OTT /IP 1604. (status: on-hold, active)
- Mohammad Rahman, Md Assad Uz-Zaman, Md Rasedul Islam, and Roger Smith. (2017). Invention disclosure: OTT/IP-1584: Intelligent robot (iRobS) system to simulate upper-extremity (UE) disabilities. (Status: on-hold, active).
- Mohammad Rahman, Md. Assad Uz-Zaman, Md Rasedul Islam, Shaohua Liu, Imad Mougharbel, and Maarouf Saad. (2017). Invention disclosure: OTT/IP-1580: Light Weight Scooter Foldable into Carry-on Luggage. (Status: on-hold, active).
- Md Rasedul Islam, Mohammad Rahman, and Md Assad Uz-Zaman. (2017). OTT/IP-1579: Universal therapeutic robot (uTRob) (status: on-hold, active).
- K. Hasan, Mohammad Rahman, Anoop Dhingra. (2016). Invention disclosure: OTT/IP 1504: Development of a 7DoF Exoskeleton Robot for Rehabilitation of Lower Extremity (status: on-hold, active).