Patrick Brady received his B.Sc. from University College Dublin in 1988 and a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Alberta in 1994 where he studied with Werner Israel. He was a research associate at University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne from 1993-1995, a Prize Fellow at Caltech from 1995-1998 and a research associate at University of California, Santa Barbara from 1998-1999. Since 1999, Brady has been at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where he holds the rank of Distinguished Professor and is Director of the Leonard E Parker Center for Gravitation, Cosmology, and Astrophysics. Brady has been a Research Corporation Cottrell Scholar, a Sloan Research Fellow, and was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2010. Brady is a Distinguished Visiting Research Chair at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and currently serves as Spokesperson of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. His research focuses on the analysis and interpretation of data from the worldwide network of gravitational-wave detectors.