I am an associate professor at the Department of Linguistics and the director of the UWM Phonetics Lab at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. My Ph.D training was received from the Department of Linguistics at Indiana University and post-doctoral training from the Speech Research Laboratory (director: Dr. David Pisoni, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences) at the same university. Here is my CV.
My interests span various topics related to non-native speech sounds (e.g., how to perceive them, how to produce them, what characterizes “talented” second language learners, etc.). Within the general realm of second language (L2) phonetics, my research interests have evolved based on what I read (e.g., intriguing papers), what I am exposed to (e.g., captivating presentations at conferences), or whom I meet frequently (e.g., colleagues or smart, persuasive students). My latest areas of focus are: 1) effective training methods of L2 sounds, words, and intonation, and 2) the Category Precision Hypothesis (SLM-r)