Water quantity and quality data (depth, temperature, & conductivity) is currently being collected from the Milwaukee River at Estabrook Park (Site 1 above) and Hubbard Park (Site 2 above). Estabrook Park is home to a United States Geological Survey (USGS) stream gage that measures both the river stage (feet) and discharge (cubic feet per second). Below are both sets of data.
Data (stage, discharge) from USGS
Raw data (depth, temp. cond.) from Paradis Lab
The conductivity of water is proportional to the total dissolved solids /salts (TDS) in the water, e.g., sodium, chloride, calcium, bicarbonate, etc., and is a broad indicators of water quality., i.e., the higher the conductivity, the higher the salt content, and the lower the quality. The discharge of water is the volume of water flowing per time, i.e., it is rate at which the water moves. The mass discharge of salts can be calculated by multiplying the discharge (Q) by the concentration (C) of salts. The concentration of salts can be estimated by the following equation:…tune in later for this equation…we are working on this now 🙂