
See my Google Scholar page!

Mudambi, A. & Harris, L. J. (Forthcoming). Feminist relational agency and the cultural contestation of heteronormative gender norms in the Indian American diaspora. Women’s Studies in Communication.

Mudambi, A., & Heuman, A. (2024). Expanding upon critical methodologies and perspectives in Communication Studies. Communication Studies. Advance online publication

Mudambi, A., Lawless, B., Chen, Y.-W., Asante, G. A. (2024). Examining the double bind of anti-racism in (U.S.-based) communication programs’ statements against racism. Howard Journal of Communications, 35(1), 81-99.

Mudambi, A. (2023). South Asian American subjectivities: Searching for agency among “forever foreigners.” In S. F. Juarez, J. Khrebtan-Horhager, M. Lechuga, & A. D. Soto-Vasquez (Eds.), Migrant world making (pp. 89–114). Michigan State University Press.

Mudambi, A., Collier, M. J., Muneri, C. T., Scott, L., Watley, E., & Castro-Sotomayor, J. (2023). Toward student critical reflexivity through critical pedagogy: Assessing student discourse in an intercultural conflict course. Western Journal of Communication, 87(3), 347-369.

Muneri, C. T., Mudambi, A., & Collier, M. J. (2023). A critical assessment of emerging community discourses in an intercultural conflict and community course. Communication Studies, 74(2), 164-181.

Mudambi, A. (2023). South Asian Americans and anti-Black racism: Critically reflexive racialization as an anti-racist vernacular discourse. Communication, Culture & Critique, 16(1), 1-8.

Mudambi, A., Muneri, C. T., Scott, L. & Collier, M. J. (2022). Revisiting whiteness pedagogy: Examining the discursive practices of diverse students in an intercultural communication and conflict course. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 51(6), 561-580.

Mudambi, A. (2019). Racial satire, race talk, and the model minority: South Asian Americans speak up. Southern Communication Journal, 84(4), 246-256.

Mudambi, A. (2019). South Asian American discourses: Engaging the yellow peril-model minority dialectic. Howard Journal of Communications, 30(3), 284-298

Mudambi, A. (2015). The construction of brownness: Latino/a and South Asian bloggers’ responses to SB 1070. Journal of International & Intercultural Communication, 8(1), 44-62.

Mudambi, A. (2013). Another look at Orientalism: (An)Othering in Slumdog Millionaire. The Howard Journal of Communications, 24, 1-18.