Class 14: Discussion Notes

Tectonics to 1852

Four tectonic models of the second quarter of the 19th century

  • Von Buch (1820s-50s)
    • Two basic models for uplift
      • Craters of eruption: normal volcanoes
      • Craters of elevation: larger features
        • Accumulation of basalt under the sea floor
        • Up-arching of a “blister”
        • Bursts to form an ragged set of mountains
        • Need a line of these to form an elongate chain
    • Driving force is internal heat that produces magmas to accumulate; attributed to chemic reactions
    • Works in areas like:
      • Baltic uplift (early phase of initial doming
      • Canary Islands
      • Some German mountains
  • Elie de Beaumont (1829-31 version)
    • Cooling earth creates stress in the near-surface
      • Links up with heat measurements and implied cooling
    • Stress release via catastrophic uplift along a “great circle” line
    • Sequence of uplifts, each along a different great circle
    • Uplifts can be dated in the adjacent sediment record by dating the unconformities.
    • Seems widely applicable to linear mountain chains: Alps, Pyrennes, Appalachians, Andes
    • In later versions (c. 1850), geometry predominated over geology
  • Lyell (1830-33)
    • Two ways to make mountains:
      • Isolated volcanics (Etna)
      • Intrusion of subsurface magmas that elevate the surface.
        • Could also get magma moving away, leading to subsidence
        • Directly linked to earthquakes that he ties to igneous processes
        • Gradual changes linked to his physical process model
        • Sicily was one example
        • Calls up vertical crustal motions combined with horizontal shift of magmas
      • Not really explain linear chains
      • Ignores central heat and its implications of cooling
  • Herschel/Babbage (1837)
    • Erosion of uplands
    • Deposition of sediment in adjacent ocean basins
    • Oceanic crust depresses under the sediment load
    • Leading to lateral flow of ductile layers from areas of loading to areas that  were eroded, promoting more uplift.
    • Subsurface horizontal flow in the earth; surface areas undergo vertical motion
    • Application
      • Works well where mountain ranges parallel ocean (Andes, even Baltic)
      • Not really fit Alps, Pyrennes, etc.
    • Driving forces are erosion and heat (reminding us of Hutton)
    • Not clear exactly how this relates to metamorphism
    • Not deal with central heat issue
    • Often added onto Lyell’s ideas


  • Links to Stratigraphy
    • System in continental usage: referred to a set of strata with a similar structural trend that was bounded by unconformities (used by Sedgwick)
    • Unconformities used to date times of uplift
  • Basic Differences
    • Rate of uplift: gradual versus virtually instantaneous
    • Role of Internal Heat in driving uplift
    • Whether forces were primarily horizontal or vertical
    • Resulting geometry of uplift
  • Tempo of Earth History
    • Can already see differences in terms of tempo of change and continuity of processes.