Some quick hints on writing papers for Dr. Harris courses
I. General principles
A. Organize around a clear focus
You must have some point of view to help you organize and select the facts you wish to include. Choose a focus that is limited enough to cover in the space allotted and that allows you to include all the material the teacher will expect to include. Write a main point (thesis) that clearly states your focus and that indicates the main sections of your answer. For most types of essay, the thesis sentence should state a conclusion, not merely announce the sections.
B. Outline your answer
Do not begin writing your answer without first making an outline, however brief. Write down the three or four main points you want to make. They should all help you to develop, explain or prove your thesis sentence. How can they most effectively be sequenced?
C. Write for the instructor as a reader
Construct your essay as an written argument for your thesis. Instructors is often looking for students to demonstrate basic knowledge organized into a reasonable and coherent argument. It may help you to image the reader as a classmate starting the course; what basic principles, examples and facts are needed to present your thesis?
D. Come right to the point.
Do not waste time or space with a general introduction or beating around the bush. It is usually a good idea to state the main point (thesis) of your answer at the beginning. Do not hide your theme until the final page! This will help you maintain a focused and concise narrative. This is essential when you have a relatively short page limit.
E. Stick to your subject
Everything you say should relate directly to the subject you have announced in your thesis sentence. Do not try to tell everything you know. Papers (and essay tests) measure the excellence of your ability to select, organize and analyze the details you have mastered.
F. Be thorough within your limits
Make your answer complete. If a question asks about a subject discussed in class or in your reading, the teacher probably expects you to deal with all the main points made there. In addition, after you have written your outline, ask yourself, “Have I left out anything important to the defense of my thesis sentence?”
G. Support generalities with specific and relevant evidence.
Evidence is crucial. The teacher is testing your detailed knowledge of a body of material, not just your ability to make or repeat generalizations. Show that you know the specific information. Do not merely state what you believe; explain why you believe it.
II. Some practical points
A. Read the references early.
It may take time to develop a thesis that you want to defend. An early reading of the references will give you time to sort out the various authors opinions and facts. I commonly plan to read the references twice. The first time I try to understand the basic argument to plan my response. The second time I will pull out the specific information and evidence that I need to support my opinion.
B. Divide your paper into sections.
It is often very useful to organize your text into sections running from “Introduction” to “Conclusions”. If appropriate, use subheadings to structure your paper (especially if a section is long). The use of headings communicates the structure of your paper to a reader and lessens the need for “transitional” sections. This helps make your essay more concise.
C. References
You will want to indicate the sources for your information or data. In your text, you should cite references using the (Author, date) or Author (date) format to indicate these sources (not footnotes or end notes). List your references at the end of your paper. Use a consistent format for your references – I prefer the format used by GSA. Check the format used in the journals “Geology” and “Geological Society of America Bulletin” – both are in the library.
D. Correct grammar and spelling are expected in all papers.
You should write in complete sentences and spell check everything. (I am a terrible speller and mistakes will always appear without checking.) It often helps to read your paper aloud to catch grammatical errors.
E. The golden rule is to rewrite, rewrite and rewrite.
III. Basic traits of a “good paper”
These traits are a somewhat generalized list that will help you recognize the characteristics of an effective paper.
General Format
- Introduction: A short statement that introduces the project for the reader.
The introduction should forcast the overall structure of the paper. It should identify the general topic, the evidence to be used, and (in most cases) the general direction of the conclusions.
Analyses of data/presentation of evidence
The structure of this section varies depending upon the evidence to be introduced and the argument to be made.
Commonly there are different ways to arrange the information – ideally you should cluster related points. You may need to “try out” different arrangements to find a sequence that clearly develops your theme.
You may find that this section will flow better if you use sub-headings..
Interpretation and/or Discussion
- This section varies greatly in length – in some cases, it can be combined with the analyses or conclusion section.
- The idea is to discuss the information or data, and to argue for some favored interpretation. Ideally, the data has been presented in a way that leads the reader rather directly to the desired interpretation.
You should close the report with a short section that summaries the main points of the argument and that stresses its significance.
B. A Scale of Primary Traits
This listing is an effort to identify the traits that contribute to my assessment of the quality of a project. At present, I do not use this as a checklist to determine grades but it may allow you to recognize desirable traits in your writing. Not all of these traits are equally important in my evaluation (for example, a failure to develop a good set of arguments (II.3) is particularly harmful).
I. Presentation of Project
5 Organized into sections marked by headings; all material in correct section; sections logically organized.
4 Organized into sections marked by headings; all material in correct section.
3 Organization less clear but logical progression; material in an appropriate section.
2 Organization and sequencing of material less clear; some material in wrong section.
1 Poorly organized; material in wrong section; argument obscured.
Style of Writing
5 Language clear and concise throughout, nearly suitable for publication; standard written English used with 0-1 error/page.
4 Language clear throughout; most sections are concise; standard written English used with 2-3 error/page.
3 Language clear throughout; standard written English used with 4-5 error/page; tone approaches informality of vocal communication.
2 Non-standard written English; informal style similar to vocal communication.
1 Style obscures meaning.
Charts or Figures (if used)
5 Charts include brief title; labeled appropriately; data accurately plotted. Charts can be easily read and all symbols are identified in legend (or labeled).
4 Charts include brief title; labeled appropriately; data accurately plotted.
3 Charts include uninformative title or lack title; labeled; data accurately plotted.
2 Charts with labels; most data accurately plotted.
1 No labels on chart; significant number of errors in data plots.
II. Elegance of Presentation
5 Clearly identifies topic; establishes thesis and forecasts main evidence; sets tone.
4 Clearly identifies topic; establishes thesis.
3 Clearly identifies topic.
2 Topic present but reader must identify.
1 Fails to identify topic.
Quantitative Analyses (if appropriate)
5 Results accurate; values estimated to two significant digits; model calculation shown.
4 Results accurate; values estimated to two significant digits.
3 Results accurate; values estimated to one significant digit.
2 Results include both accurate and inaccurate estimations.
1 Results inaccurate or not presented.
Interpretive Argument
5 Original and clearly stated thesis; persuasive and well organized; charts and quantitative information effectively used.
4 Clearly stated thesis; well organized; good use of charts and quantitative information.
3 Reasonable thesis in alignment with charts and quantitative information.
2 Poorly stated thesis; poorly organized; inadequate use of charts and quantitative information in support.
1 No awareness of argument or its complexity.
5 Clear and concise statement of conclusions, major supporting evidence, main implications, and possible weaknesses.
4 Clear statement of conclusions and major supporting evidence; some implications mentioned.
3 Accurate statement of conclusions; vague statement of major supporting evidence.
2 Vague statement of conclusions; major supporting evidence not presented.
1 Conclusions absent or unsupported by argument.
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