


An abbreviation for “Difficulty accessing,” which refers to one category of help-seeking situations related to accessing items or elements or receiving information.

Accessible Rich Internet Applications

A technical specification from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that outlines how to enhance web page accessibility. It addresses dynamic content and complex user interface controls created using HTML, JavaScript, and related technologies.


    • ARIA

See also:

    • HTML

Active element

An interactive HTML component that reacts to user actions such as <input>, <textarea>, <button>, <a>.

AI assistive technology

An assistive technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to aid users with disabilities in specific tasks, such as Google Lookout and Seeing AI.

AI graph description

A comprehensive description of a graph created by artificial intelligence (AI) assistive technologies that provides clarifications for its visual elements.


An HTML attribute that provides information in an alternative format for an image on a webpage using a text display. It is used when a user cannot view an image and wants to read the text alternative instead.

See also:

    • Alternative text (Alt text)
    • HTML


Alternative text (Alt text)

A word or phrase (typically less than 100 characters long) used in the Alt attribute of an image item or graphical interface element that describes its content or function in the context.

See also:

    • <alt>


The acronym for Accessible Rich Internet Applications. It is a set of attributes that define ways to make web content and user interface more accessible to people with disabilities.


    • Accessible Rich Internet Applications


An HTML attribute that indicates whether the content within an active element is expanded or collapsed.


An HTML attribute that provides a text label for an object, such as a button.

ARIA landmark

A semantic HTML that identifies the organization and structure of a webpage by categorizing and labeling its regions.


An HTML attribute that allows assistive technology to receive notifications when error messages are added to a Live Region container.

See also:

    • Indicator


A search feature that a search engine predicts what a user would query and then provides a list of suggestions as a user types.


Blind and Visually Impaired

A group of users who are blind and visually impaired relying on screen readers to interact with digital libraries (DLs).


    • BVI


The acronym for Blind and Visually Impaired. It refers to BVI users who rely on screen readers to interact with digital libraries (DLs).


Cascading Style Sheets

A simple mechanism that enhances the styling of web documents by allowing the use of different fonts, colors, and spacing.


    • CSS

Cognitive schema

A mental framework that assists individuals in understanding complex concepts and making more informed decisions.

Context-sensitive help

A help function that delivers immediate assistance to the user without the user having to leave the current context they are working in.

Contextual cue

An information that helps users understand the content or interpret the relevance of an item.


An abbreviation for “Difficulty comprehending,” which refers to one category of help-seeking situations related to understanding or interpreting content, elements, layout, or structures.


The acronym for Cascading Style Sheets. It is used to format webpage layouts by defining styles for text, tables, and other elements in a webpage’s HTML.


    • Cascading Style Sheets


Decorative image

An image that does not convey meaningful information to the content of a page, such as background images and borders.


A metadata element that offers a text summary for a digital object.

Design element

An element that defines how content is displayed in a web browser, such as heading and label.

Digital library

A web-based database of digital items, which may include images, audio, video, digital documents, or various other formats of digital media, or a library accessible via the internet.


    • DL



The acronym for digital library (DL).


    • Digital library


Document map

A tool that enables jumping to a specific page within an item.



An HTML tag that defines a container for an external resource, such as a web page, a picture, a media player, or a plug-in application.

See also:

    • HTML


An HTML tag that indicates the emphasis and stress placed on its content.

See also:

    • HTML


An abbreviation for “Difficulty evaluating,” which refers to one category of help-seeking situations related to assessing the relevance of collections or items.


An abbreviation for “Difficulty executing,” which refers to one category of help-seeking situations related to performing actions.


Faceted search

A search technique that allows users to narrow their results set using filters based on the attributes of items.


A cause leading to a help-seeking situation.


An abbreviation for “Difficulty finding/locating,” which refers to one category of help-seeking situations related to finding or locating specific features.

File viewer

An application that allows users to display and interact with files without needing to transfer them to the device beforehand.


Guideline or Design Recommendations

A general design suggestion to ensure the accessibility and usability of a DL and its components



An HTML element that specifies a title for a content section, helping in-page navigation.

Help feature

A feature of a digital library (DL) intended to help users by providing extra information and instructions, such as help documentation, FAQ, and live chat/chatbots.


An abbreviation for “Difficulty with help,” which refers to one category of help-seeking situations related to finding, understanding, or using help information.


A JavaScript charting library that utilizes Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) and canvas/Web Graphics Library (WebGL) to create accessible charts for both web and mobile platforms.

See also:

    • SVG
    • WebGL


The acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language – the language in which many web pages are written.

See also:

    • <embed>
    • <em>
    • <iframe>
    • Inline view
    • Label
    • <label>

Hyper Text Markup Language

A standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications.


    • HTML


Icon-based search feature

A search feature that allows users to start and refine their search using images or symbols, such as a search icon and an icon as search filters.


An HTML tag that embeds a separate HTML document within another, creating nested browsing content for user interaction.

See also:

    • HTML
    • Inline view


Feedback from the system that provides information about content and functions that have restricted access, such as text, color, and notification.

See also:

    • <aria-live>

Illogical structure

A structure of a digital library (DL) that does not present page elements in a logical way.

See also:

    • Intuitive access point

Inline view

A feature that allows users to load links or pages dynamically on the current webpage without downloading them, such as <iframe>.

See also:

    • HTML
    • <iframe>


An abbreviation for “Difficulty interacting,” which refers to one category of help-seeking situations related to interacting with multi-layered windows.

Intuitive access point

An access point that is based on common knowledge or a specific title that aligns with the user’s expectations.


An information object such as an article, video, or image within a digital collection.






A classifying phrase or name applied to elements and functions.

See also:

    • HTML
    • <label>


A tag in HTML that denotes a specific portion of code.

See also:

    • HTML
    • Label



Data that provides information about other data is constructed with structured data to describe and organize resources in the digital environment and enable users to discover and use the content of digital libraries.



An abbreviation for “Difficulty navigating,” which refers to one category of help-seeking situations related to effectively moving through a digital library (DL) or interacting with items and elements.

Navigation aid

A feature that offers essential support for screen-reader users to understand the structure of a web document.

Navigation feature

A feature that assists and saves users’ time while navigating through the page.

Non-verbal sound cue

A sound that assists BVI users in navigating the interface when focus transitions to a different window.



The acronym for Optical Character Recognition. It is a method to convert physical text, such as printed text or handwritten text, to digital text by scanning physical documents.


    • Optical Character Recognition

Optical Character Recognition

A core technology that enables the transformation of typed, handwritten, or printed text from images into machine-readable text.


    • OCR



An HTML attribute of the <input> tag that indicates the expected input for a field, such as an example value or a short description of the required format.

Paginated section

A section of content that is divided into multiple pages based on a fixed amount of content per page.


The acronym for portable document format. It is used to display documents in an electronic form.


    • Portable Document Format

Portable Document Format

A portable electronic document format that preserves all the elements of a printed document as an electronic image. It allows users to view, navigate, print, or share it with others.


    • PDF


A library that provides HTML and CSS stylesheets and templates designed to format academic papers for both print and web.

See also:

    • HTML
    • CSS


Query suggestion

A recommended query that predicts the rest of the search terms when keyed in.

Query term

A term that users enter to query information based on their needs.



An abbreviation for “Difficulty recognizing/distinguishing,” which refers to one category of help-seeking situations related to recognizing system feedback or differentiating between content components or features.

Restricted feature

A feature that relies on visual interaction and may not be fully accessible or intuitive due to design limitations.


Screen recognition

A feature that dynamically labels and organizes UI elements to enable BVI users to navigate and interact with inaccessible items or non-standardized apps effectively.

Scanned document

A digital document that is created by using a scanner or similar device to capture the text, graphics, and images of a physical document, converting them into a file format such as PDF, JPEG, or PNG.

Screen reader

A software program that reads textual information through synthesized speech and offers specialized keyboard commands to operate a computer interface.

Searchable image

An image that keeps the image on top and adds an invisible text layer underneath for searching the file.

See also:

    • OCR

Search toggle button

A button that allows users to click to execute a search.

Search field

A design element that allows users to enter search terms into a blank field.

Search box prompt

A placeholder text that appears inside a search box to guide users on what they can search for and search from.


A feature that revolves around or is centered on the use of a search box for inputting queries and retrieving information.

Search within a collection

A feature that allows users to perform a targeted search within a specific digital collection rather than searching the entire database or website.

See also:

    • Search within an institution

Search within an institution

A feature that allows users to search for information, resources, or content specifically within the context of a particular organization, such as a library website, and library collections.

See also:

    • Search within a collection

Search box


    • Search field

 Search input field


    • Search field

Semantic markup

A way that codes or structures HTML elements on a website to clearly describe their meaning or purpose in a way that is both human-readable and machine-readable.

See also:

    • Semantic HTML

Semantic HTML

A set of elements that clearly describe their purpose and content to improve accessibility and provide meaningful structure to web pages.

See also:

    • Semantic markup


A gesture that enhances accessibility by enabling BVI users to quickly access assistive tools and features.


It assists users in assessing an item’s relevance by offering a brief summary or description that features key terms.

Structure information

An information structure that organizes page sections to define the total number of items in a set and the position of each item within the set.

Standalone window

A feature that ensures the screen reader reads only the content visible on the current window.


The acronym for Scalable Vector Graphics, a web-friendly vector file format. Its strengths in resizing and use of XML code make this format significantly helpful for web and mobile content.

See also:

    • Highcharts



An HTML attribute that specifies the tab order of an element, which enables control over its focusability and navigation order within a web page.


An Android screen reader that provides spoken feedback and gestures to help BVI users navigate their devices.


A miniaturized version of a larger image that can be quick and easy viewing while browsing through a large collection of images.



An abbreviation for “Difficulty using,” which refers to one category of help-seeking situations related to utilizing screen readers and voice activated commands within digital libraries (DLs) due to incompatibility of digital libraries (DLs) with these assistive technologies.


Voice command

A feature that uses spoken instructions and hands-free interaction to control digital devices and improve accessibility.

Voice activated command

A feature that allows users to control devices, applications, or systems by speaking instead of using manual input methods.


A screen reader that provides auditory feedback to enable BVI users to navigate and interact with Apple devices.

VoiceOver rotor

A feature that enables VoiceOver users to adjust navigation and interaction settings by rotating two fingers on the screen, allowing efficient control over actions such as text navigation, scrolling, and item selection.



A web standard for a low-level 3D graphics API that enables plug-in free 3D on the web.

See also:

    • Highcharts





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