EXE2. Difficulty exiting an open item


A situation that arises from difficulty closing an open item (e.g., a scanned document (text with tooltip) A digital document that is created by using a scanner or similar device to capture the text, graphics, and images of a physical document, converting them into a file format such as PDF, JPEG, or PNG.  or an image) due to an unavailable or hidden close or back button.

Factors Leading to the Situation

  • Inadequate features/functions: inconsistent or hidden exit/navigation options
  • Inadequate features/functions: insufficient navigation features (text with tooltip) A feature that assists and saves users’ time while navigating through the page.
  • Inadequate support: unclear navigation for previously visited pages


  1. Ensure that all features are labeled clearly and meaningfully.
  2. Ensure that the close or back button consistently appears on the opened

Rationale for Suggesting the above Guidelines

When using DLs (text with tooltip) The acronym for digital library (DL) , users are likely to check multiple items before finding needed information. Therefore, the ability to exit an open item and move back and forth without barriers is essential. The guideline suggests providing straightforward and consistent navigation options on open items. By offering a recognizable and consistent “Close” or “Back” button, intuitive gestures, and voice commands, BVI (text with tooltip) The acronym for Blind and Visually Impaired. It refers to BVI users who rely on screen readers to interact with digital libraries (DLs).  users can easily exit an open item and return to their previous position in a DL. This guideline focuses on enhancing user experience and reducing frustration during DL exploration.

Techniques and Methods to Comply with a Specific Design Guideline

1.1. Specify a label using conventional terms to indicate the function of a feature.
2.1. Place a “Close” or “Back” button on each opened item.
2.2. Use ARIA (text with tooltip) The acronym for Accessible Rich Internet Applications. It is a set of attributes that define ways to make web content and user interface more accessible to people with disabilities.  code to make the “Close” or “Back” button accessible.
2.3. Incorporate voice commands or a swipe gesture to close an opened item.

Features Suggested for Users

1.1.1. Feature label
2.1.1. “Close” or “Back” button (See example 2.1.1.a1. and 2.1.1.a2.)
2.3.1. Voice command (See example 2.3.1.a1. and 2.3.1.a2.)
2.3.2. Swipe gestures (See example 2.3.2.a.)

Examples of Best Practice

2.1.1.a1. Using aria-labels to create accessible buttons to close open items

EXE2 Figure a1 demonstrates an accessibility best practice by combining aria-label and aria-hidden attributes. The aria-label (text with tooltip) An HTML attribute that provides a text label for an object, such as a button. =”Close” provides a clear, descriptive label for screen readers, ensuring users understand the button’s purpose. Meanwhile, aria-hidden=”true” hides decorative elements, like icons, from assistive technologies, preventing redundancy. (Click here to view this example)

The aria-label "Close" provides a clear, descriptive label for screen readers, ensuring users understand the button's purposeEXE2 Figure a1. An example code for aria-hidden

2.1.1.a2. A clearly labeled and easily accessible “Close” or “Back” button

In EXE2 Figure a2, the buttons for closing the open item are labeled clearly as close or “Back to result.”

This image shows a newspaper with several photos of a person. A 'close' or 'back' button is visible at the top of the page.This image shows a newspaper with a 'Back to Results' button visible at the top of the page.

EXE2 Figure a2. Examples of clear back buttons for selected items

2.3.1.a1. Voice command

In the settings, users have the option to incorporate voice commands or use a swipe gesture to navigate back (EXE2. Figure a3)

This image shows the 'Go back' voice command, which allows users to return to the previous screen.

EXE2. Figure a3. Screenshot of voice command setting of “Go back” function

2.3.1.a2. Voice command customization

EXE2. Figure a4 presents the information provided for Voice Command on how to customize users’ voice commands.

This image demonstrates how to customize voice commands on an iPhone.This image demonstrates how to customize voice commands on an iPhone, focusing on setting specific actions.
EXE2. Figure a4. Screenshots of voice command settings to create a new command (Source: Apple Support, n.d.)

2.3.2.a. Swipe gesture

EXE2. Figure a5 shows AssistiveTouch settings providing information on how to customize users’ swipe gestures.

This image demonstrates how to customize gestures on an iPhone.This image shows a 'New Gesture' page for creating a sequence of gestures.

EXE2. Figure a5. Screenshots of assistive touch settings to create a new gesture (Source: Apple Support, n.d.)

Examples of Poor Practice

1.1.1.b1. Difficulty exiting an open item

The DL did not clearly indicate the purpose of the double-tap function. As a result, the participant was unaware that double-tapping would zoom in on an item, leading to confusion about what to do next. Furthermore, there was no visible back button or clear navigation cues when items were zoomed in, further complicating the participant’s experience (EXE2 Figure b1).

“I’m going to the Gettysburg photo that’s now showing, it says double tap for details. [zooms in on image]. An illustration of a map with text on it. Flick to the… yeah, there’s nowhere to go. There’s no back button. Let’s double tap that photo again. [zooms out of image]. Okay, it seems to have shrunk and now I have a back button again. [Highlight Back arrow button]” (S23-B-M)

This image highlights the absence of a back button or navigation cues when items are zoomed in.

EXE2 Figure b1. Screenshot of difficulty exiting an open item

1.1.1.b2. Difficulty exiting an opened item

The library in EXE2 Figure b2 does not have buttons for closing the enlarged item recognizable for BVI (text with tooltip) The acronym for Blind and Visually Impaired. It refers to BVI users who rely on screen readers to interact with digital libraries (DLs).  users.

This image highlights the absence of a back button or navigation cues for the enlarged item.

EXE2 Figure b2. Screenshot of difficulty exiting an enlarged item


See also: